I am taking a class here in Michigan, (health care position) so I can find a JOB....the people in the class are a mixed bag of folks, some have college degrees , some do not, some are welfare to work mothers, most are just getting by and many are the ONCE relaxed middle class who are barely struggling now to pay their bills and survive. One of the women in my class is a Pentacostal..I always treat everyone with respect and dignity, (the Golden Rule), and she told me the other day "Your stepson is in Iraq?" "yes" I said "That Bush...my church USED to like him, but hes no good..he lied..I saw on TV that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11....!!" "Yes, I knew that a long time ago" I told her. "How did you know that?" she said. I gave her some websites to peruse and asked her who she was voting for. "I dont vote" she said "I aint very good at it" I intend to get this woman a voters registration card, and fast. I spoke with her about Jesus, and mentioned the beatitudes, where Jesus says "Blessed are the peacemakers". I also mentioned other references in the Bible that Bush is NOT following (thank goodness I remember my bible studies) She stated that her WHOLE CHURCH did NOT like Bush...that he lied, that his administration might have been popular before with them, but IT ISNT NOW
She likes me, and wants to hear more from me about what a prick Bush is. Therefore, I will speak her language and keep working on her and the other people in my class, who, by the way, have ALL told me they are NOT voting for Bush. None of them can find a job (in my town the unemployment rate is 10%) IF BUSH IS HATED NOW BY THE PENTACOSTALS, THAT MEANS HE IS LOSING HIS CORE CONSTITUENCY.
Another thing...I mentioned the Golden Rule to her, and I also mentioned what a Pharisee was...I told her that Pharisees are exactly what Bush IS and all his friends..people who walk around pounding their chests and acting like they are Christians and Holier then Thou...and I told her if Jesus comes back he will slap Bush and his gang into Hell. She agreed, which I found quite delightful. She asked me what church I belonged to, and I told her..the Kingdom of God is within...and told her Jesus said that. Just a heads up folks..the Pentacostals turning against Bush...bad news for that moronic little twit in our White House.