OK, just got my power back in NYC.
So, this admin. composed of top energy officials has a priority secret meeting as one of their first orders of business in assuming control of the country. What the fuck did they accomplish at this meeting? They won't tell us, it's a secret. This much we know. It was attended by some of the top energy people in the country, and excluded conservationists and consumer advocates. Since this top secret meeting funded by our tax dollars we have had blackouts in California followed by massive looting by the energy companies, one of the biggest of which, Enron, then when bankrupt. We had an illegal war for oil and now, the largest blackout in history. So, I ask again, what the fuck did they accomplish? It i s now more imperative than ever that we demand to know what happened in those meetings. I certainly hope the admin. is brought to task for this. They are after all, the energy admin. and obviously made it a priority.