I am surprised by the supposedly politically sophisticated people on this board. Swallowing whole slanted poll stories on Davis supposed lack of support. Acting like they are excited to vote for Arnold. "after all, he's a liberal" What complete BS this is. Any fool can see the neocon puppet master's hand so far up Arnold's butt when talks you can see fingers. Don't kid yourself for a moment, we are witness to a wholsale attack of looting lascivios pirates drooling at the prospect of siezing California's booty. Yet you start struck fools get all misty and think Arnold actually IS the guy he plays in his films. THIS IS SHOW BIZ, FOLKS!!! THERE'S NOTHING BEHIND THE FACADE!
If we vote YES for the recall, the banks, notably Chase (Enron's banker btw) will reap billions in extra interest payments for their rating us unstable.
Warren Buffets mention " property taxes have to increase " ( todays WSJ)benefit the Corporate tax base. Middle class taxpayers ( the ones who have been in their home longest) will pick up the slack.
Drilling will re-commence off our coast while it is suspended off Jebs Fla. Coast.
Unions will be forced to eat the advances they have made for workesr everywhere since Gray took over from "deregulation Pete" Wilson.
All the progress we made in the 90's will be gone in a cloud of neocon dust.
Yeah, Arnold is liberal. And Bush was practically a democrat, remember ?
WAKE UP YOU PEOPLE!!!!!! :grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr: