On the June 18 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show, Limbaugh spoke to a caller who posed a hypothetical question: What if the caller were a liberal U.S. soldier in Iraq who had been exposed to an hour per day of Limbaugh's rants that "liberals are bad for America" -- broadcast by the American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) -- and then was killed.
LIMBAUGH: I don't accept -- I don't accept the premise. I have --
I don't say the words Liberals are bad for America. What I say is, Al Qaeda is bad for America, and Liberals don't believe it. What I've said is Saddam is bad for America, and Liberals don't believe it.
CALLER: I totally believe --
LIMBAUGH: Liberals think that George Bush is more dangerous for America than our enemies. That's what I say.
CALLER: I'm a Liberal, Rush, and I don't believe any of those contingents that you made. So, then your premise would be wrong. ... Because I -- I'm -- I'm a die-hard Liberal.
LIMBAUGH: OK. If you don't believe it, then you're driving along in your jeep and you laugh it off because I'm wrong.
Be a man about it. ... If you -- if -- if you think I'm wrong, you'll laugh it off and be wrong about it. If the bomb goes off, the bomb goes off. You chose to be there.More excerpts can be found here:
ALSO of note, FOX News' token liberals Alan Colmes and Ellen Ratner (of WorldNetDaily.com) have joined the fight to get Rush off of AFRTS (SORT of):
Alan Colmes (co-host of FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes) and Ellen Ratner (a liberal talk radio host; "Liberal and Proud" columnist for right-wing website WorldNetDaily.com; and FOX News contributor) have joined Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) -- and the U.S. Senate -- in calling for fairness and balance on the taxpayer-funded American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS).
But Colmes's co-host, Sean Hannity of the "fair and balanced" news channel, admitted, "I personally can't stand hearing the liberal point of view."
HANNITY: And for the groups and liberals or so-called free speech liberals that are trying to shut Rush down and get him off this channel, this -- this is government censorship.
They are trying to use politicians to censor somebody for the sole purpose that they don't like their point of view. This ought to scare the living daylights out of all of you Alan Colmes and Ellen Ratner fans out there. You ought to be scared to death, because if they can do it to Rush, they'll do it to Alan
, they'll do it to Tavis , they'll do it to NPR and then where are we?