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alejandrofromcuba Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 10:49 PM
Original message
I have a question. Does anyone know about immigration law?

I have several Arab men working for me, one of them is having trouble with the INS. I know that the criteria for deporting a person has changed--but does anyone know what things may be cause for him to be deported?

I am worried--I know that he does support (monetarily) groups that aid Palestinian militants. He also talks very openly about how he hates America. These things could get him in serious trouble the way things are right now if INS finds out. I want to do everything that I can to protect him. But, I have no idea why INS is giving him trouble (he claims not to know). What are the things that a guest in this country is NOT allowed to do?

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ShaneGR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 10:53 PM
Response to Original message
1. A guest in this country....
First off, he needs a visa or a greencard. Without those he is illegal.

If he financially supports palestinian militant groups (Especially those on the terror lists) he can, and should be, deported.

He hates America? Why is he here if he hates America?

I have nothing, at all, against ANYONE, from any country, who wants to come to America for a better life. But if they come here to hate America, support organizations who want to hurt America, and otherwise makes it clear that he hates America.... sounds to me like he deserves to be sent back home. Doesn't sound to me like he wants to be here in the first place.
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uhhuh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 10:55 PM
Response to Original message
2. Give it up!!!
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 10:58 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Deleted message
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Massacure Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 10:57 PM
Response to Original message
3. In my opinion, report the guy to the INS.
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alejandrofromcuba Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:00 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. complicated
You know, he does talk about hating America and Americans a lot, but I think he is really just blowing off steam.

I think he really just doesn't like the system. I don't think he is that dangerous. But I have to admit that a lot of people have complained about him. I am worried that their complaints may have gotten back to the INS?

I hate for him to get in trouble or be sent back, he has a very nice and smart wife and two small children. I admit he is worthless as a worker, but he is a Jordanian who has lived in Palestine for years--he was one of Arafat's top people! And it feels very good to support a Palestinean man, even though he does not earn his wages.

His biggest problem is controlling himself around females--he gropes them, propositions them for sex, and stares at them while masturbating. It is a bit distracting for them. I think one of them probably has complained about him.
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DBoon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:06 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. I can't say you should send him back
as from your description, I am not convinced he is anything more than a figment of your imagination
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elf Donating Member (805 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:12 PM
Response to Reply #6
10. fool people somewhere else
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salin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:16 PM
Response to Reply #6
13. er... he masterbates in public?
which is the only way I can make sense of this "he stares at them while masterbating"... This description, really, makes no sense. If true I would expect he would have long ago been picked up for public indecency.
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fujiyama Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:17 PM
Response to Reply #6
14. If he is sexually harassing women
Edited on Mon Jun-21-04 11:25 PM by fujiyama
you should fire him. If your female employees have complained about him, and you have done nothing, you could be held somewhat liable for allowing an atmosphere and environment where that happens.

Also, if you know he is supporting terrorist organizations he should possibly reported to the FBI. It doesn't matter where they are from. If they are proving mometary support for groups that promote violence, you should not support them.

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maggrwaggr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-22-04 12:09 AM
Response to Reply #6
33. you gotta be f***king kidding me
man, you're either completely full of shit, or else this guy you're describing is the biggest loser I've ever heard of.

Why the hell would you want to help him, provided this guy even exists and you're not some nutjob yourself?
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salin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 10:59 PM
Response to Original message
5. No offense
but this rather sounds like a set up. Sounds a bit 'stereotyped' in the description.

However, if true, he might be running across some trouble via Ashcroft's Patriot Act, depending on what group(s) he is sending money to. Sounds like the most likely problem in the scenario you described. If he is in their sites, I would suggest that he learn where and how the money gets spent by the groups that he donates to - if he needs evidence down the road that he was not donating (and thus giving assistance) to any terrorist groups.
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alejandrofromcuba Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:05 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. very complex
you see--I don't think he understands that we consider the groups "terrorist groups" he calls them political parties. The reason I know he has sent money is because when the guy who hijacked the cruise ship (a long time ago) was caught, he was very upset. He said that the group that man belonged to was his political party--anyway, I don't think he sees it as terrorist groups, just supporting the people in politics he believes in.

I want to protect him and give him a chance here. Although some of it is getting very tiresome to deal with. He is here legally, as his wife's dependent. She was the one given clearance to work. But--he was treating her horribly at home because he didn't have the self esteem of a job. So we petitioned the INS to let him work. I think his home life is better now--but some of the ladies here are not so happy.
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ShaneGR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:08 PM
Response to Reply #7
9. So let me get this straight....
Edited on Mon Jun-21-04 11:09 PM by sgr2
You're from Cuba. You're supporting someone who hates America, beat his wife, and sends money back to militant organizations in the middle east.

Do I have this correct? Because it makes no sense. If it is true, it sounds to me like a good way to get yourself in trouble... not just your friend.
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alejandrofromcuba Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:12 PM
Response to Reply #9
11. hey I try to help
My family was so glad to get to come here. My father always says--you never ever complain about paying your taxes because you are lucky to be living in the greatest country on earth! And I love this country!

I just like to give others a chance to. I did not bring him to this country--he came with his wife who is in school studying to get a masters degree. I heard about his problem--no work no self esteem and wanted to help. I had no idea he had so many mental problems. But I still don't want him to get in trouble---I am very worried about him. I honestly think he is just a man who blows off steam by saying stupid things. I don't think he would hurt anyone. And I would hate to be responsible for someone being sent back to Palestine.

I am hoping he will grow to love this country. He loves the freedoms here, the fast food, and the scantily clad women. It is a start.
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elf Donating Member (805 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:17 PM
Response to Reply #11
15. where can you masturbate in public or at work
without getting punished????? First time I hear such a thing
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salin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:14 PM
Response to Reply #7
12. Whether or not he views these as terrorist groups
some are now classified as such by our Government, and with the passage of the Patriot act, I believe that giving support to such groups (which would include giving monetary support) would be considered supporting terrorist groups. He needs to understand the definitions used by this government if he wants to stay on the safe side of Ashcroft and/or the INS.

I don't recall the group claiming responsibility for the Achilles Lauro (sp?) being a political party. Never heard it described as such.

I am a bit confused... on the one hand you refer to remembering him sending money to the "party" responsible for the Hijacking - with the described "belief" that it was a political party rather than a terrorist group. Didn't that happen back in the late 1980s? (1989? or thereabouts?) That would suggest that he has been in the US for quite some time (more than 15 years??) Yet your description of wanting to "give him a chance here..." sounds as if you are describing someone who has not been here (in the US) very long.
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elf Donating Member (805 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:19 PM
Response to Reply #12
16. don't you see
what's going on?

It's a joke, not a good one!
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salin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:23 PM
Response to Reply #16
18. certainly
not a terribly convincing story... though in some ways the elaborations make it more... interesting.
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alejandrofromcuba Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:21 PM
Response to Reply #12
17. hmmmm
No--you are right that he has only been here maybe two years. But the political party--whatever the name of the group was that the guy was prominent in in the 1980's--is still around in Palestine (and in Mexico too--because he mentioned folks there in it). He has other friends in it. I can't remember the name of the guy--but his group is still around (just not as prominent). It was a communist financed group that languished after the cold war ended, but according to this guy they are still around.

Thanks for having some advice. I am going to tell him that contributions can be misconstrued--and to not give ANY money to ANYONE unless he is sure that it is OK. But does anyone know if there are other things he should be careful of? I really want everything to work out OK for this guy and I truly believe that if I am good to him and give him a chance, he is going to end up being just fine.
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alejandrofromcuba Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:26 PM
Response to Reply #17
20. no
no I am sorry it is not a joke. I am the boss and I have let him get away with a few little things because I want to support him.

I have moved him off site because he cannot handle being around females. So now he has his own little office. I am trying my best to help this man. Don't beat up on me. And I was very upset about some of this. I try to be to be sympathetic. I think he has been through many terrible things.

Men get along fine with him. He is fat and jolly and very friendly. Just a little bit of a pervert. He thought any woman who was at the workplace was a prostitue! But he knows better now. We all have trouble adjusting to a new culture. And the people in the office have a good experience to get to know this man.
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salin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:28 PM
Response to Reply #20
23. Have you spoken with his wife?
He can't be completely backwards towards women if he is here in the US due to his wife pursuing a graduate degree.
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alejandrofromcuba Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:43 PM
Response to Reply #23
27. wife
his wife is wonderful. Smart, sophisticated and beautiful. She is a wonderful person. And his children are the cutest ever! A son around 5 and a daughter around 3.

I have never observed him harassing women--but I have seen him staring inappropriately. And I got many many complaints--so I assume it is true--when he is alone with a woman he gets inappropriate. He has been talked to about this, and I have also removed him so that he is not around females.
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salin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:26 PM
Response to Reply #17
22. Does he read the newspapers?
Is he familiar with the Patriot Act and John Ashcroft? I would think that if he (through his wife) were a part of a middle eastern community (particularly if they are tied to a University) that there should be available information about the types of behaviors that have led to folks running into trouble with the IRS and the INS.

The guy still sounds more like a stereotype than a real person. Particularly the description of his behavior (actual groping... AND publicly recognized masterbation??!?) I have rarely met anyone who fits so neatly any single stereotype.
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mitchum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:23 PM
Response to Original message
19. You got some 'splaining to do!
Because this post sounds like utter bullshit.
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elf Donating Member (805 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:26 PM
Response to Reply #19
21. for me it sounded like bad BS from the first post
I'm a green card holder and I know it's very serious stuff.

No theme to joke about!
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alejandrofromcuba Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:35 PM
Response to Reply #21
It is not a joke. This is a real human being, who has some poor judgement, but who I do not want to see deported.

I was hoping there would be some intelligent people here who might tell me the things he should be careful of and how to protect him.

It is not my fault if he "sound like a stereotype". I am describing him as best I can to fit him. he is the man who he is. I like him. He is not a bad man. He is having a little bit of trouble knowing what is apprpriate in this culture and he has had some trouble fitting in. Please be a little bit more understanding.
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elf Donating Member (805 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:37 PM
Response to Reply #24
25. then tell me
what is he working, what branch?
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uhhuh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:41 PM
Response to Reply #19
26. Check this
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elf Donating Member (805 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:49 PM
Response to Reply #26
28. He bought his youngest daughter a jaguar
going to school in Hawai

alejandrofromcuba (49 posts) Sun Jun-20-04 10:23 PM
Response to Reply #30

31. schools

my children had fairly decent grades--the girls were B average and the boys were a little below that. They all got full scholarships directly from their universities (not federal government $$) because the schools competed to get them for diversity.

My youngest is the only one still in school--she is at a private university in Hawaii. They were very anxious to get her--she has good grades 3.2 average and decent SATs (a little above average), the way they ended up funding her school was by giving her a golf scholarship! My daughter had never played golf in her life!!! But that was how they were able to do the money--they wanted her for diversity. You have to be very clever about these things! And they knew that I had plenty of money they didn't care--they just wanted a quality diverse student body. So instead of paying for her school, I bought her a little Jaguar car to drive while in school! I am a great dad.

Not my fault if others do not work the system to get what they can. I am not apologetic at all--my family has had lots of suffering and I deserve some help. Our family buisness IS done through the federal government and we follow every rule that is set down for us. It is MEANT for minority people to get ahead. I support this and want the same for others. I believe that NO ONE should have to pay for school. So I want more programs to help others. Yes I have been lucky and blessed--but I want everyone to be blessed like me. Even those who are not minorities, but I hope the minorities get theirs first because they have been left out of the American Dream for so long.

Thank you America!!! And Especially Thanks to the President Carter--President Carter let my family come to this country from the pain of Cuba. And it was the high interest rates during his presidency that made me my first million!!! at that time I had just a little money and I lived with family and I put the money in the bank and let it gather interest!!! I have always been a lucky man--very sad for those with big debt instead to pay the interest rate. But for someone who has money--the high rates mean I earn lots of money quickly!!! Then--I had lots to invest in business and Carter made rules for minority contractor more liberal! He gave me financial start. And freedom. I want everyone to have that opportunity.

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alejandrofromcuba Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:58 PM
Response to Reply #28
30. so what???
It is very true--I benefitted from the high interest rates because I had money and could put it in the bank--and earn high interest rates.

It is true that I have profitted from policies in this country. Why is that a crime? I was lucky. Now that I am financially strong, I help others.

I was right place in right time. Not everyone is as fortunate as me. That is why I try to give others a break.

Don't be hateful because I have been lucky and I am successful.

i started this thread to get some good advice but since none is forthcoming> oh well>
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elf Donating Member (805 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:53 PM
Response to Original message
29. 28 replies and no answer to my question
I think, it's enough now
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Heddi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-22-04 12:04 AM
Response to Reply #29
32. Look at the comments in his other posts
* He knows the Regans

* He's "chatted" with Clinton & Gore

* He knows people who work at Procter & Gamble

* He knows EVERYONE on the planet

* He knows a person that is a sterotypical Nasty Dirty Arab who gropes women and masturbates in public and supports terrorist organizations (but calls them "political parties") and openly expresses that he hates America and Americans

* Brags about how his child was able to go to college via Affirmative Action, even though he's a multi-billionaire and could afford to pay for college (which of course, implies, that a poor, downtrodden white male was denied a spot because of his...his...lack of ethnicity :eyes:

* Brags about how he's a multi-trillionaire due to laws in place that help Minority/Immigrant Businesses and can make so much money because his family of immigrants are running a scam on the oh-so-stupid Fed Gov't.

Seems that he's got his talking points all lined up in a row----Dirty Arabs, Scheming Immigrants, Minorities who take advantage of Affirmative Action. Man. Am I listening to Limbaugh?
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elf Donating Member (805 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-04 11:59 PM
Response to Original message
31. why the new thread "big deal"?
alejandrofromcuba (51 posts) Tue Jun-22-04 12:52 AM
Original message
big deal

yes I admitted that I have done well in life. And that is why I like to help others especially black and brown people.

I should not have told people I have money it makes them so envious.

Well you are hardly worth bothering with. I will just hope that the "figment of my imagination" and "joke" is not in serious trouble. Thanks for all your help.


Look--I am a leader in the business community. I put my position and prestige out there to help lots of folks and I will continue to do so. I still think this man deserves more chances. The people here aren't very compassionate.

Thanks for nothing.

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alejandrofromcuba Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-22-04 12:27 AM
Response to Reply #31
34. sorry my computer crashed
BTW, I did not mean to start a new thread--that post should have gone in this thread--my computer is going crazy all of a sudden.

I do not think this man fits the stereotype--he is NOT a fundamentalist islamic muslim. He follows no religion, is working for a secular palestinean state.

Elf--you asked what is he working what branch? this question was not answered because it hardly makes sense to me> what branch of what?

i told you already that he actually does nothing> do you understand that? this a charity position> i do not know what you mean by branch__perhaps branch of the federal government? i do not work for the federal government> i used to be a contractor__but now i run a large engineering and consulting firm> (hundreds of people work for me)>

the man in question really is not qualified to do anything> and we have an understanding that I provide a place for him to come and hang out for 2-3 hours per day plus a pay check. he is not required or expected to do much more than that. he does answer the phone a bit< and he enjoys surfing the web a lot> we have tried to teach him to do a few other things but he is quite incompetent at everything else. i pay him forty-five thou a year and of course since he doesn't really do anything useful, I have to pay someone to do the work that he should do.

The only reason he is there is because of my bleeding liberal heart. I don't want to see him sent back there and I don't want his adorable children to have to grow up there. It feels good to be able to throw that amount of money away just to keep them here. The complaints from his female co-workers could be paranoia or something. I don't want to get rid of him because of that. But now the INS is after him. And I do want to help.

You people are worthless though. Thanks for nothing.

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uhhuh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-22-04 12:33 AM
Response to Reply #34
35. You're welcome
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-22-04 12:35 AM
Response to Original message
36. Locking
For obvious reasons.
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