There is something distinctly encouraging about Hitchens' review of F911, and AP's recent criticism of Clinton's book:'re both probably right: Hitchens' to the extent that Michael will try to milk more out of his facts than he should; AP that Clinton's book is too long (how can a 950-page auto NOT be too long?).
But it's the tone that's important: Hitchen's vein-popping review, no shorty in its own right, is so full of bloated angry adjectives that it nullifies any valid criticism. Hitchens just doesn't
want Moore to be right. AP, which comes down hard on Clinton's book, has yet to recover from this laughable "attack" on John Kerry (he "swills white wine" and spends $33 on soft-shell crabs, they feverishly report): encouraging? Desperation doesn't really look good on anyone, but especially on these two icons of current affairs. Their agenda is showing...