Hey. My first GD post! Woo-hoo!
I live in Japan and this caught my eye today (June 22) in the Japan Times (largest English language daily):
Foxnews subscribers have been notified that Foxnews is planning to cancel the service on July 31. Two years ago, the same thing happened and a group, Savefoxnews, worked to keep it on the air.
Those interested in keeping Foxnews on the air can contact savefoxnews@yahoo.com or savefoxnews@keikyo.com Now, the story is that FAUX is broadcast here on the only satellite channel in Japan (SkyPerfecTV). You can't get it in a pack - it's an extra $12 or so each month on top of whatever pack you have. They tried to shut it off two years ago, but they got a petition going and it came back once more.
I have been following Al Franken and talk of getting Rush off the Armed Forces Network (or get a counterbalance happening at least). AFN is listened to by many Japanese people. I don't know of many that watch FAUX (thank heavens), but...fighting to keep FAUX on the air here? There's enough biased news in Japan already, thanks.
I must admit, though, on the 'free preview' day each month, I turn it on for a laugh. I would miss it if it went! (kinda)
By the way, the author of the above lines wrote this two years back about the last time this came up. It's a riot!:
Newshungry TV viewers fighting for English servicehttp://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?fl20020627kj.htmBy KEN JOSEPH JR.
To start off, we have a request from "Friends of Foxnews," who are working to keep Foxnews, the up and coming challenge to CNN and BBC and the only non-edited English language news program on SkyPerfecTV here in Japan.
I must confess that I keep it on nearly 24 hours a day at work and at home, although I stumbled upon it purely by accident. It's surely the best kept secret in Japan.
Apparently Foxnews is scheduled to go off the air at the end of July unless they can get more subscribers and or companies to place ads on the channel, which to date has none.
When I was going to school in Los Angeles, there were three Japanese TV networks, all supported by Japanese companies in the community. When you think about it, there should be at least one channel out of the dozens for the international community, with local news and information presented properly.