I really hate to link over to Freeperville, but is this a sign of the "Great Uniter's" dwindling support, given the right issue, even amongst his most avid base ?
Perhaps they're just afraid that they are being singled out and targeted by the administration.
Skim through and note all the "ABB" converts:
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1157738/posts Samples:
This has to be a joke. How can I work for his re-election if this is true?
Brave new world, here we come. I can't believe a Republican administration has proposed such an abomination.
Has Bush lost his mind?
Good Lord, I thought this was satire until I neared the end. What in hell is this Administration thinking? The Soviets and Cubans used mental hospitals as a means of controlling political dissidents and it looks like we're heading the same scary way. I'm beginning to have serious doubts about this President's judgment.
I find this hard to believe. If true, I will support ANYONE but Bush.