Edited on Tue Jun-22-04 09:33 PM by Trajan
Otherwise: we just catch mud with our faces ...
Mudslinging is an age old sport, or didnt you know ? ...
Politics is ugly ... REAL ugly .... it almost always has been, and it almost always will be .... But it doesnt have to be all the time ...
See: The Democrats have been REALLY REALLY nice, and they keep trying to work together with the Republicans, thinking that the nation would benefit from good Bipartisanship and a national dialogue to develop a 'consensus' .... Yes; MOST Democrats have tried VERY hard to do this ...
But: unfortunately: the Republicans are VERY mean .... they are VERY mean and nasty people (except for your Die-hard Republican dad, who is VERY VERY nice) .... The Republicans do NOT want to work with the Democrats, but they instead call them bad names .... (JUST like in post 36 where that bad republican called us "Godless Communists", which is a false assertion and an ad hominem, more about them later) ...
They call us 'communists' .... they call us 'socialists': if only to try to insult us, because THAT is the way they are (except for your Die-hard Republican dad, who is VERY VERY nice) ...
But: WE arent communists, and WE arent Socialists: Those claims are silly attempts to besmirch our names with false associations: We are DEMOCRATS: Proud members of the Democratic Party of the United States of America .... we ARENT communists or socialists ...
They call us names only to insult us .... Even as we try to work together with them for the benefit of the ENTIRE nation ...
When we try to work together ? : they instead shutdown debate ...
When we try to build consensus ? : they create legislation behand closed doors, and pass it by twisting arms and making threats ...
When WE try to be bipartsian for the benefit of the ENTIRE country: they instead crawl into their own little rooms, and deny access to the opposition party by enacting ridiculous little rules to deflect ANY and ALL attempts to build a consensus that would benefit the ENTIRE country ...
This is because: The Republicans (except for your Die-hard Republican dad, who is VERY VERY nice) are actually rather selfish, and do not want to ask anyone what they think if THEY are not also republican, because they dont care about what anyone who is not a republican thinks, because they do not intend to let anyone who is not a republican have a say in what happens in our great nation, which I love, because I am a proud member of the Democratic Party of the United States of America ...
So: when WE Democrats, being ready to attack the nations problems in a bipartisan effort to build a national consensus with which to do the BEST things for the MOST people in our country: when WE try to do those things: The Republicans, thinking that THEIR viewpoint is all that matters, reject these attempts to build consensus ...
Do you know what they do instead ? ...
They call us names ...
They insult us ...
They deny GOOD Democratic party men and women a voice in governance, because they think only THEIR viewpoint matters ...
(except for your Die-hard Republican dad, who is VERY VERY nice) ...
When they call us names and insult us: WE call this "Argumentum Ad Hominem", which is a fancy word that means "against the man", which is a fancy way of saying "insulting a person without arguing against the points that person is making" ...
We also call Ad hominem attacks "Mudslinging" ... which the Republicans (except for your Die-hard Republican dad, who is VERY VERY nice) do with amazing regularity ....
Now: what shall we do when this happens ? ... what would YOU do if someone where to sling mud in YOUR face ?? ...
See what I mean ???
Would you run away ???
Would you call your mommy and say they were bad, please tell them to be nice ? ...
Well: the Democratic Party, against ALL logic, had, up until about 18 months ago, STILL acted as if they could develop a national consensus about government policies and such: they STILL thought that bipartisanship was a "GOOD IDEA" ... They have been running away from the mud being slung at them ... pretending it wasnt happening ... That was silly ....
But: ever since about 18 months ago, The Democrats now realize (we hope) that playing games with the lives of our sons and daughters was not in our best interest, nor in the nations best interest ...
They (The Democratic Party of the United States of America) STOPPED being such silly babies, and started to stand up for themsleves ...
They started to fling the mud back ...
They STOPPED trying to be so nice: .. and started to give back what they had received time in and time out for the last decade ....
The era of the pink-tutu Democrat is over ....
NO MORE Mister nice guy ...
Not when the very foundations of our great nation are at stake ...
No: we PROUD Democrats of the United States of America will NOT stand by and be cowed into submission by insulting, degrading rhetoric (otherwise known as mudslinging) by Republicans (except for your Die-hard Republican dad, who is VERY VERY nice) anymore ...
Those days are OVER ... NO more mud-target-faces ....
The Republicans (except for your Die-hard Republican dad, who is VERY VERY nice) have nearly destroyed our great nation, and have CERTAINLY ruined its reputation as a shining light of personal liberty for the world to admire ....
We wont allow it any longer ...
So: please step back, and protect yourself, because the mud is about to be slung, and slung widely ...
Bipartisanship is a dead end ....
Being nice only led to insulting rhetoric by the Republicans (except for your Die-hard Republican dad, who is VERY VERY nice) ...
We wouldnt want you to get hurt .... so perhaps you should hide somewhere until the battle is over .... and be safe ...
Next to momma .... She isnt mean like a Republican (except for your Die-hard Republican dad, who is VERY VERY nice) ...
They ONLY want to promote THEIR view, no matter WHO it hurts or how many PROUD United States of America citizens do NOT agree with them ...