We on the left are often accused of "moral relativism" and the rightwing claims to be the party of morality and religious values etc.
Here's an absolute I would put forth that's pretty much purely leftwing: Is torture right or wrong? -- clearly it is wrong -- regardless of the situation -- no ifs, ands or buts.
Any waffling on the part of rightwingers ("well, these are special circumstances" or "it might save lives" or "we have to sink to their level to make them understand we mean business" :puke: ) ought to be severely castigated as "moral relativism". I think it's worth pointing out the hypocrisy on this one, and the utterly unChristian (or antireligious) nature of it.
Seemslikeadream posted the text of a Bush order stating that he accepted the determinations by his legal people that alQaida etc were not entitled to Geneva Convention protections. Guess he didn't get to hear the direct voice of God on this one..so he had to depend on some lawyer without a compass..