This just pisses me off...It is such an obvious contradiction that I am amazed that people don't rise up and drag this idiot out of the oval office.
First, President Bush self-proclaims that he is a "wartime president." Okay, let's just accept that for the sake of argument.
So, if he is indeed a wartime president, then why aren't the prisoners held by our government considered "wartime prisoners?"
Here's my point...
If you are a wartime president, aren't the prisoners "prisoners of war?" And as such, aren't they protected under the Geneva Convention???
Yet, our president has claimed that these prisoners are NOT "prisoners of war," but "combatants"...who are NOT legally protected by the Geneva Convention.
Can you have it both ways????
Does anyone else see this blatant contradiction...
I think I've had enough of this pretender. It's time for us to wake up and take a stand against this empty suit.
The rest of the world is laughing at us. So far, many of them do not blame the American people. But, instead, blame our government. If this man gets re-elected, we will no longer be blameless. Shame...shame on our government.