Have any of the beheadings other than Berg actually been videotaped?
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Wed Jun-23-04 12:30 AM
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Have any of the beheadings other than Berg actually been videotaped? |
The beheading in the Berg video was clearly faked. People normally bleed when they are beheaded. It occurs to me that the more recent beheadings could be copycat crimes. Or the U.S. government may have thought more beheadings would help its approval rating and tried it again. There was some video for the guy that got it today but I couldn't tell if the actual killing was on tape.
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Wed Jun-23-04 12:42 AM
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1. the Daniel Pearl video caused me some sleepless nights |
I believe the new one was taped too, because I heard on tv that al Jazeera "chose" not to air it.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:03 PM
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