LBJ wasn't bowing to political pressure, he was bowing to the credentials of his advisors. He with his little college teaching degree felt outclassed by the ivy league and academy foreign policy adviosors who told him he was out of his league. The release of the WHite House history tapes over the last decade have backed up that LBJ wanted out of Viet Nam, but was bullied into it by advisors he felt inferior to.
Kerry is a different animal. He bows to political pressure, as his pretended move to the middle indicates. But he is not afraid of military credentials. He has them himself. He has won medals for disobeying the orders of his superiors and improvising solutions to deadly situations. As a very young man he stood before Congress, the president, and the world to say what he believed was right, to face them down. That took a type of courage that LBJ would never have understood.
I believe in this guy. He may not be as pacifist as me, he may not withdraw as quickly as I'd like him to, but his heart is much closer to the right place than Bush's.
I've watched him try to sell his opposition to the death penalty. He has said that he opposes it in federal cases, not out of regard for the life of the prisoner, but because life in prison is more harsh than the death penalty. I don't believe him. He's against it because he believes it is wrong, but he can't say that. He finds other ways to sell it. But the bottom line is, he wants to stop it. I think-- I even trust-- that that's his opinion on the war, too.
He signed the Iraqi Resolution to try to limit Bush's power, since Bush was claiming he had the authority to go to war at any time without Congressional or UN approval. That's his method, to avoid symbolic actions in favor of finding solutions. It fails, sometimes, as it did with the IWR. But he signed it believing it was his best way to head off the war, but he never had the power to actually stop the war.
I believe that with the power, he will stop it, and will sell it how he can. You're right, he may let me down, and I may be seeing something that I want to see. But I'm usually a good judge of people. And if I'm wrong, I know he won't be worse than Bush, so I'll live with a little improvement over none at all.
Sorry so long. You know I can't say anything short. :-)