... story, this is an eight part series on the subject of Reagan-Saddam ties during the 1980's.
The diplomacy of Imperialism: Iraq and US foreign policy
Part seven: US financial assistance for Hussein in the 1980s
By Alex Lefebvre
26 March 2004
The purchase by Iraq of weapons-related material from the US was encouraged as part of the American government’s general support for Saddam Hussein. There were also corporate interests involved. An October 12, 1992, article in the Wall Street Journal pointed out, “In the unfolding drama of how the US financed and supplied Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, there’s more than a walk-on part for corporate America.” Many corporations “saw Iraq as a gusher of business—so long as credits were wrung out of government agencies,” such as the USDA and the Eximbank, the Journal wrote.
Neither major corporate nor government officials were indicted in the case, which, since it first emerged, has entirely disappeared from the American press. Many of those who wrote about the scandal when it emerged, including Hoagland and New York Times columnist William Safire, enthusiastically backed the overthrow of the Hussein regime and the occupation of Iraq last year on the grounds of Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction stockpiles, while withholding from the American people their knowledge of the role of the US in arming Hussein’s regime in the 1980s.