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F911 review: The war is not meant to be won—it is meant to be continuous.

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nostamj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 11:41 AM
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F911 review: The war is not meant to be won—it is meant to be continuous.
the quote is from George Orwell.

from the Village Voice:

Essentially the same as when shown in Cannes, Fahrenheit 9/11 is current enough to include the 9-11 Commission hearings and footage of (relatively mild) prisoner abuse. Although overlong and hampered by a rambling argument, the movie does make a compelling narrative. (It concludes with a chilling quote from neocon darling George Orwell: "The war is not meant to be won—it is meant to be continuous.") It also succeeds as entertainment. Enough of a showman to recognize the old razzle-dazzle, Moore easily unmasks the administration's officials as dogged, if inept, disciples of the patriotic bromide, military pageant, "big lie" combo pioneered by Nazi propaganda theorist Joseph Goebbels. Moore has his democratic aspects, as well as his demagogic ones. It's in his satire of official rhetoric that he comes closest to functioning as a media tribune.

If Moore is formidable, it's not because he is a great filmmaker (far from it), but because he infuses his sense of ridicule with the fury of moral indignation. Fahrenheit 9/11 is strongest when that wrath is vented on Bush and his cohorts. Let us not forget that Dana Carvey did more than anyone in America, save Ross Perot, to drive Bush père from the White House. There are sequences in Fahrenheit 9/11 so devastatingly on target as to inspire the thought that Moore might similarly help evict the son.

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KittyWampus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 04:27 PM
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1. Thanks, It;s Been Eons Since I've Bought & Read The Voice
seems like the reviewer "got it" regarding F9/11
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cal04 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 05:20 PM
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2. Fahrenheit 9/11
In assailing the president's war, Michael Moore stokes the facts to make his point

The unmaking of the president: Scathing examination of George W. Bush's ties to the bin Laden family, the agenda behind the Iraq war, the dubious handling of 9/11 and, subtextually, November's election. Somewhat unfocused and inclined to cheap laughs, but important, no matter which side you're on. Written and directed by Michael Moore. 1:52 (vulgarity, war). Opening at Loew's Village VII, Third Avenue at 11th Street and Lincoln Plaza, Broadway and 63rd Street, Manhattan. Opening wide on Friday.

The first step to becoming a successful American populist, as the word is commonly understood, is purging your repertoire of subtlety and ambivalence and stooping enthusiastically to the masses. The second, history has told us, is hiding that instinct for demagoguery that lurks within the populist soul.

What do George W. Bush and Michael Moore have in common? More than one might think, given the furor that has erupted over Moore's new film, "Fahrenheit 9/11" - which is, in many ways, a passionate, clearly articulated, if sloppily structured indictment of the president, his ties to the bin Laden family, his relentless push for war in Iraq and, as portrayed by Moore, an ineptitude bordering on the criminal.
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