This article is from my hometown newspaper about the growing movement in Fayetteville, NC...where Ft. Bragg is loated. and the scene of so many bodies returing in coffins. The internet article doesn't cover it but the regular print article talks about "Veterans for Peace," Military Families speak Out. (The group Will Pitt spoke to that was covered on C-Span.)
Peace activism grows in Fayetteville
War opponents feel vindicated
FAYETTEVILLE -- A military town can be a tough
venue for a peace activist.
So it means something to Lou Plummer that recently,
during his weekly protests against U.S. actions in Iraq,
fewer people roll down their car windows to jeer or
curse, and more are cheering him on.
Plummer says the American public was tricked into
believing the United States needed to attack Iraq and
remove Saddam Hussein from power, and now,
"Support for the 'War of the Big Lie' is waning."
Plummer -- and other peace advocates who spoke in
Fayetteville on Thursday -- feel both vindicated and
relieved by this apparent change in sentiment. With the
war in Iraq officially over for more than two months,
activists are now calling for American troops to pull
out of the country, where they are seen by many as a
hostile force and as targets for attack.
"Bush says, 'Bring 'em on,' but we say, 'Bring them
home now,' " is the slogan for a campaign launched this
week by military family members and veterans
opposed to American occupation of Iraq. The
campaign was introduced at a news conference in
Washington on Wednesday. A second news
conference was held Thursday in Fayetteville.
Most of the anti-war movement has taken place on the
Internet, where far-flung supporters can easily find
each other and exchange information. Except for the
occasional rally, most of those in the movement rarely
see each other face to face.