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question about 9-11 and the Saudi flights....

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Tony_FLADEM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 09:39 PM
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question about 9-11 and the Saudi flights....
I keep hearing critics of Michael Moore say everyone on those flights was screened by the FBI. In fact didn't one of the Bin Laden's that fled the country on 9-13 have advanced knowledge of 9-11
and ties to Al Qaeda? Why doesn't anyone bring this up?

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Jacobin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 09:41 PM
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1. FBI agents have been interviewed
who said that they didn't have time to interview them before they were spirited out of the country.

The obvious truth that won't be told by the propaganda machine is that half of them were Bush family business partners and he was doing them a personal favor.....screw national security.

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wurzel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 10:15 PM
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2. According to Moore in recent interview
Only 30 of the Saudis were "interviewed". An FBI agant said it was improper procedure. Moore gave agent's name but I don't remember it.
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librechik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 10:20 PM
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3. read this
Greg Palast writes about the man you refer to, ABL, and WAMY


" Their official line is that the Bin Ladens are above suspicion - apart from Osama, the black sheep, who they say hijacked the family name. That's fortunate for the Bush family and the Saudi royal household, whose links with the Bin Ladens could otherwise prove embarrassing. But Newsnight has obtained evidence that the FBI was on the trail of other members of the] Bin Laden family for links to terrorist organisations before and after September 11th.

This document is marked "Secret". Case ID - 199-Eye WF 213 589. 199 is FBI code for case type. 9 would be murder. 65 would be espionage. 199 means national security. WF indicates Washington field office special agents were investigating ABL - because of it's relationship with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, WAMY - a suspected terrorist organisation. ABL is Abdullah Bin Laden, president and treasurer of WAMY.

This is the sleepy Washington suburb of Falls Church, Virginia where almost every home displays the Stars and Stripes. On this unremarkable street, at 3411 Silver Maple Place, we located the former home of Abdullah and another brother, Omar, also an FBI suspect. It's conveniently close to WAMY. The World Assembly of Muslim Youth is in this building, in a little room in the basement at 5613 Leesburg Pike. And here, just a couple blocks down the road at 5913 Leesburg, is where four of the hijackers that attacked New York and Washington are listed as having lived.

The US Treasury has not frozen WAMY's assets, and when we talked to them, they insisted they are a charity. Yet, just weeks ago, Pakistan expelled WAMY operatives. And India claimed that WAMY was funding an organisation linked to bombings in Kashmir. And the Philippines military has accused WAMY of funding Muslim insurgency. The FBI did look into WAMY, but, for some reason, agents were pulled off the trail. ..."

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