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Nader's Camejo move was a betrayal of the Greens.

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BurtWorm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 12:16 AM
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Nader's Camejo move was a betrayal of the Greens.
Just when I was starting to cut Nader slack, he proves to be the reckless narcissist his enemies have been making him out to be.

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Nader vs. the Green Party?

The leading candidate for the Green Party's presidential nomination talks about Ralph Nader's latest betrayal, and how to run an independent campaign that would not reinstall Bush in the White House.

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By Jeff Horwitz

June 24, 2004 | On Monday, June 14, Ralph Nader was in Cleveland, mugging for the cameras and anticipating a battle with the Democratic Party over his attempts to qualify for the Ohio ballot. In a swing state whose crucial voters are often hyped as potentially deciding the 2004 election, when asked by a reporter, "Aren't you concerned about taking votes away from Kerry?" Nader nonchalantly quipped: "I'm worried about Kerry taking votes away from me."

On the same day, Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb, Ralph Nader's main opponent within the party, held a low-profile Q-and-A session with University of South Carolina students and faculty. Unlike Ohio, South Carolina is hardly a competitive race: In 2000, Bush beat Gore by 16 points there, and it is difficult to imagine how the Green Party could "spoil" the outcome of its presidential vote. But the state has a fledgling Green Party, and Cobb was there to court its delegates to the Green Party's 2004 nominating convention.

While only one day in a long campaign, last Monday's events illustrate the differing strategies of the two leading candidates competing for the Green Party's backing. Cobb seeks the Green Party's nomination, while Nader, who has distanced himself from the party in an attempt to reach a wider audience, seeks only the Green Party's "endorsement" of his independent campaign. "Ralph Nader has refused to participate in the Green Party's democratic process," Cobb says. "I don't understand what we would hope to accomplish by supporting Ralph Nader's independent candidacy."

Should Cobb, who managed Nader's Texas campaign in 2000, receive the nomination at the Green Party's convention on Saturday, he will be in direct competition with Nader -- and Nader's running mate, Peter Camejo, an ex-Green Party presidential candidate whose last-minute selection before the convention Cobb sees as an attempt to up the chances of a Nader endorsement. It's a strange situation, Cobb admits. But, he says, "Ralph's decision to launch on his own was his call, not ours."

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madrchsod Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:01 AM
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1. nadar=bush
any one left of center should understand nadar cares nothing for the ammerican people,it`s all about him.
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Pachamama Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 02:12 AM
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2. I lost respect for Camejo today too...
I had lost it for Nader and now that he asked Camejo to be his Veep and Peter Camejo accepted!!! (Which is a further slap to the Green Party)...Camejo ran as the Green party candidate for Governor here in California recently against the Governator...

Camejo and Nader both are a bunch of ego driven assholes...If they truly cared about the things that they "say" that they do, they wouldn't be running in this election...they would be assisting and advising the Kerry Campaign and getting out the vote....

I can't believe Camejo accepted...I lost all respect for him today...
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