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Do the Negative Events Against Bush

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louis c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 06:43 AM
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Do the Negative Events Against Bush
Edited on Thu Jun-24-04 06:44 AM by louis c
seem to be overwhelming? I pay strict attention. As a Union Rep. and a member of my local AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education, part of my job is to stay aware of the political scene.

It's getting to be that the events that used to be weekly, are nearly hourly. Wasn't it just yesterday that Powell had to apologize for the faulty terrorist numbers. Last night Ron Reagan blasted Bush. Last night the anonymous CIA expert criticized our Iraq policy. This morning, there are multiple attacks in Iraq. Tomorrow, Michael Moore's film comes out, and should start the Bush-Saudi debate. And this is not exceptional, it's the norm. The faulty numbers on Medicare seem like a decade ago.

It's amazing that the news itself is not enough to convince people that the Bush administration should be removed, without any additional help from us. God, how much more do they need?

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bermudat Donating Member (985 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 06:51 AM
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1. Bush's pact with the devil
prevents any negative event from sticking to him. He is truly the teflon president.
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ablbodyed Donating Member (610 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 06:56 AM
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2. Many will never be convinced>>>>
unfortunately. I bring these things up and the saw Kerry is wishy-washy, or Clinton lied. And of course it's the presses fault, even though the press was handmaiden to this fiasco. They are so terrified that they made the wrong choice that they become stubborn and vote against their own self-interests. It's psychologically pretty common, but VERY dangerous. Nothing will change their 'minds'
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Nambe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 06:56 AM
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3. And for his last but not least jolt....
He will pardon Ken Lay and all his pals that robbed us blind! That presents the most convincing reason to spend the money impeaching him. I wonder if that's why AP is demanding his National Guard records from the USAF?
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Fitzovich Donating Member (179 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 07:06 AM
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4. NY Times on Sunday
Front page article discussed how much Bush had spent on the campaign to date with little if any bump in the polls. I would think his campaign money is doing some of the offset to the constant stream of negative events and some poor reporting. We here are paying attention but, how many others really just don't care (many)? How many others have already made up their minds (I think most have)?
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Vickers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 07:10 AM
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5. The reason I think the continued truth is necessary...
Edited on Thu Jun-24-04 07:11 AM by Vickers
If it is in the back of folks' minds when they are in the voting booth, they might, just might, vote against Bush.

They will tell their friends they voted for Georgie, though.

The evil of Georgie needs to be part of the national consciousness, just like the evil of Hitler or Manson. It needs to be second nature to equate his memory with the severity of his crimes.

His wrongdoings are so pervasive that they need to be met with an equal response.
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