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Here's why we shouldn't try to appeal the right.

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Ganja Ninja Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 07:18 AM
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Here's why we shouldn't try to appeal the right.
They claim they want a religious man in the white house. A man who puts Jesus first in his life.

We gave them Jimmy Carter. They loathed him.

They cried out for fiscal responsibility.

No one was more fiscally responsible than Bill Clinton. They spent 8 year trying to bring him down in the most vitriolic political witch hunt of the 20th century.

So it really isn't about our rhetoric or any issue of any kind. It's all about the (R) at the end of a candidate's name. That's all that matters. Everything else, every complaint they have is nothing but BS.

That's why when people propose making McCain Kerry's running mate I have to ask: What the hell are they thinking?

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pberq Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 07:27 AM
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1. Well said
The McCain as Kerry's VP movement is another disgusting push to make this a one-party nation.

And also another attempt by those who think that you have to woo modreate Republicans to win an election. What they forget is that Al Gore, acting as a moderate Republican in 2000, couldn't even win his own state. Also, the debacle of the 2002 mid-term elections when Democrats were trying to outdo each other in how much they could sound like Republicans.

The result: loss of both houses of Congress and the White House.

By abandoning the left-leaning voters with the idea that they have nowhere else to go, Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot.
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Seabiscuit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 07:27 AM
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2. Eggsactly!
The McCain nonsense was incomprehensible.

And the current yapping about Gephardt isn't much better. Gephardt would sink our ship.

We don't need any "move to the center" to win. Look at where that got us in Congress - a bunch of spineless wimps for the most part that has let Dubya get away with anything he wants.

A strong and clear alternative is what's needed in our party, and the guts to stand up firmly against all the damage Dubya's policies have done to our country and the international community.
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Guaranteed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 07:29 AM
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3. They're idiots anyway.
Let's try doing things the right way instead of the stupid, unAmerican way.
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truth2power Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 08:38 AM
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4. You're right.
Edited on Thu Jun-24-04 08:40 AM by truth2power
I've been saying here for some time that it's not about anything that has to do with facts or logic. What the alleged 40% or so who still support Bush are doing is NOT what I would call thinking by any stretch of the imagination. They have been programmed by what amounts to a cult, and what's happening in their brain isn't happening in the cerebrum.

Yes, there are a few "outliers" that occasionally one can get through to, but they are just that - outliers. They don't represent anywhere near the majority of Bush supporters. As for the 40%, I think the only way they can be gotten to is using deprogramming techniques, whatever they are. I'm not familiar with how you deprogram someone, but it seems, from what I've read, that first you have to get them away from the programmers - in this case, Rush, Hannity, etc. I don't know how it's possible to do that while the RW shills control the media.

That's why I start grinding my teeth whenever someone here says we should try to appeal to the RW. It's never going to work. They are NEVER going to like us, except for the outliers, of course. But they are such a small number that it's not going to matter come election time.

We need to be who we are and stop letting the Wingnuts whipsaw us around.

edit> typo
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emulatorloo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 09:00 AM
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5. McCain/Kerry rumor was appeal to the CENTER, not the right
Premise 1: McCain was never gonna be VP, it was just a rumor.

You are correct that the right hates Dems.

But the center, at least the people I know, are so sick and tired of partisan bs.

That is who this rumor was aimed at. . .
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