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Anyone catch Christianne Amanpour on the Goebbels News Network?

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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 11:49 AM
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Anyone catch Christianne Amanpour on the Goebbels News Network?
Wolf Blitzer allowed her to speak up and I’m afraid she won’t be
allowed on the air after this if she isn’t out and out fired. To catch you up to speed, Randi Rhodes said yesterday that she had talked to Christianne who complained that CNN wasn’t airing her stories even though she was putting her life on the line to report live from Baghdad.

Well today Paul Wolfowitz said reporters are sitting on their asses in Baghdad picking up rumors instead of getting out and digging up the truth. They are reporting only those rumors that make Bush look bad. He said they were unfair and unbalanced implying they were biased and unpatriotic. (Paraphrasing)

Christianne who looked like she could spit nails said something to the effect that nothing could be further from the truth. That she could speak for every one of her fellow reporters that they are risking their lives everyday trying to get out the news of what is happening. She said she didn’t know what stress Mr. Wolfowitz was under to make such erroneous statements. I thought she was way too polite.

I will be writing a long letter to CNN about their abdication of their responsibility to report the truth about the Bush administration and the war in Iraq, about their lack of concern for the safety of reporters like Christianne, who are trying to practice good journalism at the risk of their lives and about their constant refusal to report the whole truth about the BFEE and the PNAC and what they have done to our country. I hope other DU’ers do as well.
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senseandsensibility Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 11:54 AM
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1. Did she actually
say live on CNN that CNN wasn't airing her stories? Would you mind telling us what show this was on? I'm on the westcoast and get some shows later. I'm currently boycotting CNN, but might tune in if I know when it will be on. Thanks!
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