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'They said this is America . . . if a soldier orders you to take off your

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donsu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 12:10 PM
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'They said this is America . . . if a soldier orders you to take off your

clothes, you must obey',1284,1245055,00.html

We know about Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib but until now Bagram and America's secret network of Afghan jails have come under little scrutiny. In a major investigation, Duncan Campbell and Suzanne Goldenberg discovered a familiar pattern of violent abuse and sexual humiliation


An in-depth investigation by the Guardian, including interviews with former Bagram prisoners, senior US military sources and human rights monitors in Afghanistan, has uncovered widespread evidence of detainees facing beatings, sexual humiliation and being kept for long periods in painful positions. Detainees, none of whom were ever charged with any offence, told of American soldiers throwing stones at them as they defecated and being stripped naked in front of large groups of interrogators. One detainee said that, in order to be released after nearly two years, he had to sign a document stating that he had been captured in battle when, in fact, he was arrested while driving his taxi with four passengers in it.


"In some ways, the abuses in Afghanistan are more troubling than those reported in Iraq," said John Sifton, the Human Rights Watch representative in the area. "While it is true that abuses in Afghanistan often lacked the sexually abusive content of the abuses in Iraq, they were in many ways worse. Detainees were severely beaten, exposed to cold and deprived of sleep and water.

"Moreover, it should be noted that the detention system in Afghanistan, unlike the system in Iraq, is not operated even nominally in compliance with the Geneva conventions. The detainees are never given an opportunity to see any independent tribunal. There is no legal process whatsoever and not even an attempt at one. The entire system operates outside the rule of law. At least in Iraq, the US is trying to run a system that meets Geneva standards. In Afghanistan, they are not."

shame on our military

heaps, mountains of shame on our military

where are our lawyers and judges? are they all traitors?

wasn't Viet Nam shame enough?
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classof56 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 12:24 PM
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1. Shame indeed
Most of all, shame on those in this mis-administration who got us into these ugly wars and advocated and approved such shameful practices. The pain and suffering resulting from these actions will haunt us for decades to come. And I fear it isn't close to be over. God help us all!
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