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CNN online polls are rigged. I just voted 3 times on 2 different comps.

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ChavezSpeakstheTruth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:14 PM
Original message
CNN online polls are rigged. I just voted 3 times on 2 different comps.
And the poll registered 0% and no votes cast

I suspected as much
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tom_paine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:17 PM
Response to Original message
1. Well, though I wouldn't jump to conclusions from one incident
I also speculate that ALL polls are Freeped in some way by Uncle Karl and his Minions, Mockingbirds, Psyops, and other operatives.
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evil_orange_cat Donating Member (910 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:22 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Karl Rove isn't wasting his time on CNN polls...
sorry... ;)

Those polls aren't scientific... take them with a grain of salt. Why get upset at the results? Of course they are probably manipulated somehow.

But Karl Rove is busy running the country, he's not going to waste his time on CNN polls. ;)
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tom_paine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:39 PM
Response to Reply #3
9. Oh, I wasn;t speaking of Karl personally
The Busheviks have THOUSANDS of operatives, their own Private Army of ex-CIA Killers, Mockingbirds, Psyops, etc.

They have so much money, both on the books and off, if they don;t have the skills needed they can hire them.

Plus, there are currently BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars of stolen loot stolen from the Imperial Subjects of Amerika and Imperial Freedomstan (formerly Iraq).

Besides Bushevik Psyops have been working at CNN since before 1998, when they were discovered briefly. Though it scarcely made the news at the time.

Imagine that!

I have no doubt that Karl himself pays it no mid, but you can bet there is at least one Bushevik (probably many more than one) "working" at CNN who IS.

My two cents and speculation.
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ChavezSpeakstheTruth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:22 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. I have often voted and never seen the number of votes change, This
time it was at zero when I got there I voted 3 times and it didn't change. I waited 20 seconds and it was at 340. I think these things are a bullshit bait to get people to spend more time on their sites and get more hits to attract advertisers.

This proves my theory
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markdd Donating Member (304 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:18 PM
Response to Original message
2. I was able to vote 2x on the
page you linked to. Didn't check closely enough on the change in results.

Can Iraqi's provide for their own security?
10 yes
90 no
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:31 PM
Response to Reply #2
6. Most DU'ers don't vote twice. That's freeper stuff.
To ChavezSpeakstheTruth,

The linked poll seems to be working now, if you call this "working:"

Will Iraqis be able to provide their own security after the handover?

Yes 11% 502 votes

No 89% 3912 votes
Total: 4414 votes

Why would we not suspect, given a good long look at the tone of their newscasts, that they are inclined to pad their polls. Whatta bunch of Republicans.
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Az Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:23 PM
Response to Original message
5. Not sure when they tally but
I just viewed current results (1964 year of my birth) and then voted and the results were the same.

It may be that they do not tally with each vote. Instead they accumulate votes for a bit and then publish a new result.
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ProdigalJunkMail Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:34 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. you are correct
due to the response to some of the polls they do not update polls immediately and can have a lag of up to 30minutes before tabulating recent votes (usually much less but it depends on server load).

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Terran Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:34 PM
Response to Original message
8. Why are you voting more than once?
Please don't. It's important we not sink to the level of the scumbags who freep polls.
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markdd Donating Member (304 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:42 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. The point could be..
Edited on Thu Jun-24-04 01:43 PM by markdd
that the poll and it's results are unreliable if there isn't a "mechanism" to prevent multiple votes.

edit for grammar
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ChavezSpeakstheTruth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 01:57 PM
Response to Reply #8
11. I voted more than once because my 1st vote didn't register, nor my 2nd
nor my 3rd - I don't believw they work. Tho - its true there could be a delay. I didn't reset my cookies or anything. Don't worry I'm not going to sink to there level - geez!
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hippiegranny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 02:01 PM
Response to Original message
12. this might be a different poll
but here's what i just got:

Will Iraqis be able to provide their own security after the handover?

Yes 11% 2000 votes

No 89% 16278 votes
Total: 18278 votes

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