I am smelling desperation.
Here is the transcript of their sillyness.
http://georgewbush.com/KerryMediaCenter/Read.aspx?ID=2831Thursday, June 24, 2004
Bush-Cheney '04 Launches New Web Video
ARLINGTON, VA -- Bush Cheney '04 today launched a new web video titled "Kerry's Coalition of the Wild-eyed." The ad highlights the pessimism and rage of John Kerry and his fellow Democrats.
A script of the web video is below. To view the web video, please go to www.GeorgeWBush.com.
Bush-Cheney '04
Kerry's Coalition of the Wild-eyed
The Faces of John Kerry's Democratic Party
The Coalition of the Wild-eyed
Video Clip of Gore:
"How dare they drag the good name of the United States of America through the mud of Saddam Hussein's torture prison?" (Al Gore, Remarks At New York University, 5/26/04)
Video Clip of MoveOn.org Ad:
Video Clip of Dean:
"I want my country back!" (Gov. Howard Dean, Remarks To California Democratic Convention, 3/15/03)
Video Clip of Michael Moore:
"We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons." (Academy Awards, 3/23/03)
Video Clip of Gephardt:
"This president is a miserable failure." (Rep. Gephardt, Democrat Presidential Candidates Debate, Albuquerque, NM, 9/4/03)
Video Clip of MoveOn.org Ad:
Video Clip of Gore:
"He betrayed this country! He played on our fears!" (Fox News Channel's "Hannity and Colmes," 2/9/04; CNBC's "The News On CNBC," 2/9/04)
Video Clip of Kerry:
"Today, today, George Bush will lay off your camel, tax your shovel, kick your (bleep) and tell you there is no Promise Land." (Harkin Steak Fry, Indianola, IA, 9/13/03)
This is not a time for pessimism and rage…
President Bush: It's a time for optimism, steady leadership and progress
Paid For By Bush-Cheney '04 INC.