Stirring up trouble online
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Thu Jun-24-04 09:06 PM
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Stirring up trouble online |
Many people here know about the DU poster who was fired when s/he posted something that got back to the boss via a Freeper.
I have recently gotten myself into some hot water with something I posted online - not here at DU - which has resulted in some trouble for me. Namely a veiled threat which has generated some fear of retribution in me.
Has anyone else here ever gotten in trouble, or worried that they were in trouble, or felt threatened over something they said online?
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Thu Jun-24-04 09:08 PM
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1. I got email from an editor who was freeping here but No I did |
not feel threatned. The editor got mad at me..but he should have printed my letter. He was the editor of our local rag.
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Thu Jun-24-04 09:17 PM
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2. Stay away from the unmoderated forums.... |
They are mostly crass and full of flames. Plus the main reason you mentioned above. Sorry I can't give you adivce on your threat, but it would be prudent to take it seriously....
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Thu Jun-24-04 09:25 PM
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I'm sure that when people get used to you, they might want to share some experiences, if any exist.
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Thu Jun-24-04 09:27 PM
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Thu Jun-24-04 09:42 PM
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I've never posted here under any other IDs.
I should mention this "threat" has nothing to do with politics or freepers ... it was totally unrelated to politics. I have another subject I feel passionately about and made a scathing criticism of another group. I never thought anyone would get that freakin upset about it, but apparently I was mistaken.
I just figured that people here are outspoken and might have run into a similar situation ...
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 02:54 PM
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