The Saudis are in the same position we are. We both have greedy, lying crooks representing who we are for their own personal gain and at our expense. Every day since 9/1l, I wake up hoping that the radicals haven't pushed that fatal button yet, understanding the Bushies are responsible for this preemptive invasion and not the American people.
Like Saudi Arabia, do we deserve to be bombed because our leadership has taken us hostage? How would we respond if they invaded us, to overthrow our evil regime, and tried to force Islam on all us good Christians, and oye, how would any Jewish mama feel around her religion being attacked.
Randi talked about hatred in Saudi, but not here. After several arguments with callers, she finally clarified her statements meant within a structured classroom. While she was right around the classroom and people in general, she glossed over the fact that people here are not taught hatred, but most religions and high moral GOP leaders teach Americans that we are superior beings. It's the heartache of the people who pay attention to the manipulation going on with the right wing conspiracy.
I love Randi and her knowledge. She's right on so many levels, even that bombing Saudi should have come before Iraq. My point is that before anyone is bombed, why don't we, the United States of America, respect another culture and get out of their country.