..for one damned reason. They're all pretty much positive except for every single reviewer getting after the movie for being slanted or "one-sided." Even the general review at rottentomatoed.com refers to the movie being political. It's as if reviewers feel Moore should issue some kind of mea culpa, apologizing for arguing strongly for a particular viewpoint.
What irks me about such criticism is that those sorts of comments are always leveled against leftist creative endeavours and never rightist ones. When the right puts something out, be it a book or even some radio blowhard's screed, the right expects the left to take an even-handed, intellectual approach. They'll still expect us to disagree and will call us unpatriotic for disagreeing, but they have the general idea we'll disagree with the stuff on factual merit alone and not ideological merit. When the left does something, on the other hand, the right screams "bias!" and complains about why both sides aren't represented.
The idiocy of such comments, other than being logically fallacious in terms of the truth of the item in question, is that it comes from a position where the right automatically assumes its stances are correct. What it puts out isn't "biased" because they know they're right. They have no need to include leftist opinion in their material except as something to be discredited. We leftists, on the other hand, are supposed to always be fair. When we're not perceived as fair, the right brings out the "bias" sling and accuses us of being hypocrites.
I am tired of the accusations. I am tired of the whining about bias. Bias doesn't mean jack when it comes to determining who's right. I am heavily biased in favor of my own opinions about politics because I believe my opinions are backed by the best information available on particular subjects. Moore's film is biased because no accurate film about the aftermath of the terrorist attacks could portray Bush's actions in any kinder of a light. Sorry, righties, but your day to roast has come.