Edited on Fri Jun-25-04 05:42 AM by SoCalDem
Public financing of all campaigns is the answer.
The way it is now, politicians are "forced" to raise obscene amounts of money ALL THE TIME.. From the minute they are elected, instead on concentrating on the things they promised to "fix", they are obsessed with raising funds for their NEXT campaign.
We all know "where" they get their money.. They can couch it any way they like, but the fact is obvious. Big business lobbyists make sure that their "needs" are tended to, and in return, our legislators must make their deal with the "devil", and lots of very bad laws are enacted in the process..
If there were true public funding, and HUGE fines and punishment (including expulsion) for being "lobbied by business", laws that actually favored the masses would not be so hard to achieve..
Does anyone really believe that "our business" is very important to legislators??
Back to the moolah...
They need huge piles of cash to BUY airtime on tv and radio stations who are GIVEN FOR FREE, the airwaves .. The fact that they rake in humongous sums of money every election season should be an outrage to us all.. They take the money from the politicians who took the money from the corporations/lobbyists/bigmoney donors, so they can craft a message to the public, that will trick us into voting against oour own interests , in most cases.
The pols could still take small donations, but that money would have to be spent locally (where it was raised), and would be for things like signs, telemarketing, and campaign events..
Without the NEED for big bucks to buy the ads, we would all be better off.. They could spend their time reading the bills before they vote on them.. They could be in touch with their constituents..
There are many "unused" channels, that could be designated for each candidate. They could have ..say 2 hours per week, to "say their piece"..ALL legitimate candidates would have equal time, and interviews with the candidates would be allowed only if the opposing side had their say too..(Buh-byeee FOX)..
If a station DOES insist on carrying only one side, they would be forced to LABEL their network as a partisan advertising wing of whatever party they represent...and then an equally partisan venue would be opened for the opposition.
Once a month they would debate, with questions from REAL people.. Every community has a debate coach available who would be more than happy to "moderate"..
The whole "staged" set up that we have now, is toxic to democracy.
We hire these people every few years, and they should be working for us...and accountable TO us.
Cosporations are NOT "persons", and they need to be stripped of personhood. Companies who are not willing to pay taxes here, should be banned from selling their stuff here too.
Lobbying by "real" groups who espouse issues relating to the environment, health, education or anything relating to the public good, would be allowed to lobby congress in an OPEN venue...
The way it is now is BAD..and it needs to stop..
We have two governments..the one we "see" and the secret one that we never get to see. The really nasty stuff goes on behind closed doors..
We need those doors opened..