(Edit - Mike Flory is the attorney.)
Looks like he's got a fully developed set of Republican values - redistricting, election fixing, thuggery and fraud, and sore losership.
http://www.talonnews.com/news/2003/july/0711_young_republicans.shtmlIssues Put on Hold at Young Republicans Convention as Board Meeting Fails Quorum Test
By Stephen Dewey
Talon News
July 11, 2003
BOSTON (Talon News) -- The national board meeting of the Young Republican National Federation (YRNF) failed to take place at this week's convention on Thursday morning, postponing a vote on regional changes until later in the week.
The lack of a quorum at the board meeting could be significant later in the convention, since
the Flory-Brangers ticket depends on the passage of a realignment plan for its very legitimacy. Without the passage of such a plan, Mike Flory and DeAnna Brangers cannot simultaneously serve as chairman and co-chairman because they represent two states in the same region (Michigan and Kentucky, respectively), a violation of YRNF rules.
http://www.gopusa.com/news/2003/july/0712_young_republicansp.shtmlTempers Flare at Young Republicans Convention as Delegates Clash over Amendments
By Stephen Dewey
Talon News
July 12, 2003
BOSTON (Talon News) -- The Young Republicans convention broke down into shouting and some physical contact on Friday as delegates for opposing tickets clashed over amendments being considered by the Young Republican National Federation's (YRNF) Constitution and By-Laws Committee.
At this point, Flory supporters rushed the door and attempted to physically bar Mack delegates from entering the room. Delegates shouted at each other, and some began pushing each other. The scuffle lasted only momentarily, however, and level-headed delegates soon restored order.
Most delegates stayed in their seats and were upset at the conduct of those on both sides who had been pushing. One delegate sitting near the back row yelled, "Let's not forget we're on the same team here."
Birmingham told credentialed delegates to sit in the row facing the American flag, and then broke out, "Please remember that flag! Good Lord!"
Peters moved to remove Birmingham as chairman. This motion was met with loud cheers and clapping from Flory supporters in the middle of the seating area, and loud boos from Mack supporters situated in the back and the front.
At this point, the Sergeant at Arms again "failed" in his task, and let another sizeable group of Mack supporters into the room. Flory supporters were outraged, and forced Birmingham to call for the Sergeant at Arms to again seal the door.
http://www.gopusa.com/news/2003/july/0714_young_republicans.shtmlMack Team Wins; Election Results Challenged at Young Republican Convention
By Stephen Dewey
Talon News
July 14, 2003
BOSTON (Talon News) -- Michael Mack was narrowly elected the next chairman of the Young Republican National Federation (YRNF) on Saturday, defeating opposition candidate Mike Flory to move up one rank from his former position of national co-chairman.
Concerns about the integrity of the election process have been widespread since the convention began, however, and became especially pronounced after the official tally was announced. At the YR National Board Meeting on Sunday, Flory filed a complaint to investigate the charges. An official complaint would involve the establishment of a "dispute resolution" committee, led by the chairman of the YR State Chairman's Association (SCA), Clay Barclay of Alabama. Barclay had endorsed Flory prior to the Boston convention.
"Our people found tremendous amounts of voting irregularities once we were able to look at the official breakdown of the numbers in the Chair race," Flory told Talon News. "The two that I mentioned that were blatantly obvious were the ten votes in the Mack column from the state of Tennessee,
the State of Tennessee had cast all their votes for me ... the Puerto Rico delegation somehow voted twelve votes for Mack according to the Constitution they're only entitled to four."