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London Daily Mail review of The New Pearl Harbor

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RBHam Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 10:16 AM
Original message
London Daily Mail review of The New Pearl Harbor
by Sue Reid

At the Cannes Film Festival last week, a predominantly
American audience gave maverick film director Michael
Moore a standing ovation for his controversial film,
Fahrenheit 9/11. The movie, which won the coveted Palme
D'Or, is a blistering critique of the Bush
administration's motives for the "war on terror," and
even goes so far as to suggest that the Twin Tower
atrocities provided a convenient mandate for America to
invade Iraq.

Reaction to the film is one more sign of the growing
cynicism over the President's handling of the
catastrophic events of 9/11. Yet the questions that
Moore's movie pose scratch only the surface. Now, an
explosive book on the happenings of 9/11, which raises
even more controversial issues, is about to be
published. It will be damned in some quarters as
nothing other than the irresponsible ramblings of
conspiracy theorists or the wild rantings of anti-war
activists. Much of what it says has been criticised, and
flatly denied, by the White House and America's
intelligence services.

Yet its findings have garnered an enthusiastic response
from sections of America's intelligentsia and a former
British Cabinet Minister, the MP Michael Meacher, wrote
the foreword of the book. In it he says: "Never in
modern history has an event of such cataclysmic
significance been shrouded in such mystery. So many of
the key facts remain unexplained on any plausible
basis, and so many of the key actors have put forward
contradictory accounts only to be forced to retract or
cover up later."

Whether he is right or not, the book is tellingly
called The New Pearl Harbor, a pointed reference to the
theory that President Roosevelt cynically allowed a
Japanese assault on the U.S. fleet in 1941 to force
America into World War II.

The book makes some deeply unpalatable - and frankly
incredible - assertions, even querying if the Al Qaeda
attacks would have happened without the complicity of
America's most powerful politicians and policy-makers.
Written by the academic author and American theologian,
Professor David Ray Griffin of Claremont School of
Theology, California, it challenges almost every
official account of the day and among the disturbing
questions it asks are . . .


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RBHam Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 10:57 AM
Response to Original message
1. Y'all REALLY need to read this...
This is the book that the Bush Junta is REALLY afraid of.
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