We had "Vietnamization" of Viet Nam War...When is "Iraqization" of Iraq ?
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Sat Aug-16-03 10:05 AM
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We had "Vietnamization" of Viet Nam War...When is "Iraqization" of Iraq ? |
I'm sure they would like to do it today but there is a small difference. They are not capable of doing it in Iraq.
In Viet Nam, we had enough friends in the South Viet Nam government that we could ask them to pick up the slack for the American GIs...Not that they really could but it gave Nixon cover to start pulling out GIs from Nam.
We don't have that sort of government to work with in Iraq. We are not capable of getting Iraqis to replace the GIs, even if we wanted to. We are literally between Iraq and a hard place.
The only option appears to be the "UnitedNationsization" of Iraq. But that would require a full dinner of crow for George Jr and the Repubs that so despise the UN.
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Sat Aug-16-03 10:17 AM
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1. The UN is probably the only answer |
We've done a fine job of destroying almost all elements of Civil government in Iraq so there is no government to hand power off to.
The UN has people skilled in putting together the infrastructure of a modern nation and they aren't as concerned as we that only the RIGHT people assume positions of authority.
The next president...hopefully one of our dems, will have to work hard to get the UN back involved.
btw: just clicked as I was typing....didn't Dubya assure Blair that the UN would play a VITAL role in rebuilding Iraq....Blair needed that for political cover and I think Dubya did a bait-and-switch on Blair.
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Sat Aug-16-03 10:19 AM
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Sat Aug-16-03 11:11 AM
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3. Bush Sandbagged us all the way to Bahgdad |
Edited on Sat Aug-16-03 11:12 AM by StClone
I think this is a feature of the BushCo plan. It does not matter to them about the chaos or that Soldiers die. As long as they have control of what is important to the NeoNuts in that region they could care less at this time to a even worse than Vietnam comparison. History will not be so kind.
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