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My review of Fahrenheit 9/11

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cjbuchanan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 10:58 AM
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My review of Fahrenheit 9/11
I was able to attend a midnight screen last night, and I thought I would share my take on the film.

First off, there were no protesters at the theater. I did not expect any, but I know this has been talked about a lot on this board, so I thought I would mention it.

Onward to the movie. If you are a news and political junkie, and there might be a few around these parts, you will not find much new information in this film. However, that does not mean the film is boring in any way. Moore uses his, for lack of a better term, ‘rock & roll’ editing style to drive the major points home, and there are lots of points to be driven. Within the first 10 minutes he discusses the 2000 election. He goes from the purged voting rolls in Florida to the official “election” in the Congress. From there, it’s just a quick few minutes till September 11th. I know it has been noted elsewhere, but the way Moore “shows” the events of that day in New York is truly amazing. There are no images, just sound. Hearing the planes hit in surround sound is very jarring. The screaming and crying only add to the depressed feeling. This is the tone for most of the movie.

There are some moments of humor, like watching Ashcroft sign about soaring eagles, something my wife could not believe was true, or seeing Wolfowitz brush his hair with a comb he wet with his own saliva, but the overwhelming tone of the movie is sad. It is obvious to any open-minded person that Michael is very concerned about what has happened to our country. I can understand how some people might not like this film, but if anyone claims this film is not patriotic, well they are not a patriot.

There is very little of Michael in the movie. For the most part, he just allows people to hang themselves. One of the best moments showing Michael is when he is in front of the Watergate hotel, across the street from the Saudi embassy. I will not give away what happens, but this one scene drives home the influence Saudi Arabia has in America better then any other.

I think the best target audience for this movie is the average American. People who only get their information from a local nightly news or large daily paper will learn a great deal from this movie. It is basically a visual for all the things we at DU have been yelling about for the last four years. Once ‘main stream’ America gets hold of this information, Bush & Co. will have to start answering the hard questions because the media will have to ask them.

Overall, this is a very strong piece. At no point does it feel like he is exploiting any of the events of 11 September or any of the events that have happened since. His treatment of the troops is very compassionate. It shows the hell they are in and what they must go through. At no point does he blame them for anything that has happened. He points the finger right at Bush and his clan.

If I had to mention one fault it would be that he could not include all the information about everything that comes up in the movie. Now, to do this, the movie would have to be a few hours longer, so I completely understand why he did not, but I know I left the theater thinking, “He only scratched the surface.” Of coarse that is not Michael’s fault; it is due to this administration doing so much wrong that there is no way you could cover everything in 2 hours.

One final note, in this week’s Newsweek, Michael Isikoff mentions some “errors” in the film. I know Moore debunked them on his website, but I must add my own thoughts. I specifically watched the movie with Isikoff’s comments in mind and everything Isikoff accused Michael of doing is a lie. For example, Isikoff says that the movie states that Saudi planes were flying bin Laden family members out of America prior to Sept. 13. The film specifically says after Sept. 13. So Newsweek lies again; I’m sure you are all shocked.

Enjoy the movie and don’t forget the corn for popping.
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cjbuchanan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 11:14 AM
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1. Anyone know why this did not post to the main forums page?
When I posted this to the GD forum, it did not show up on the main forums page. This has happened with a couple of my other posts. Does anyone know why this happens?
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DemonFighterLives Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 12:48 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks for the review
I have been gobbling up every one that I can find. We'll have to wait for the sequel to get some of the more juicy info.
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cjbuchanan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 01:08 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Glad to help out
There are a lot of nice reviews out there.

Let's hope that there is no longer an administration around for a sequel.
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sonias Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 11:55 PM
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4. Great review cjbuchanan
I just got back from seeing the film tonight. I am so glad we have house parties on Monday to keep the discussion going. I thought the film was brilliant, just enough information to get people questioning why some of this hasn't been in the mainstream media, and making those important connections between the bush and house of saud.

I have one question, what happened to the barbara bush quote about how she didn't want to worry her pretty little head with images of body bags. I remember that got poppy's shorts tied up in a knot recently, and I never heard that quote in the film. Did it get cut, or was it another bush lie and was never in the film. Curious minds want to know.

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carrowsboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 11:58 PM
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5. I saw it today at 4pm
In the middle of conservative hell, Richmond, VA.

All 3 shows were SOLD OUT!

The film was EXCELLENT and the audience responded extremely favorably! We were lined up for quite awhile & during the film you heard boos at Bush, applause when Rumsfeld is urged to resign, incredible shouts of glee as the wounded vet says he will no longer support Repigs and actively campaign for the Dems and a long standing ovation at the end.

It was an amazing experience!
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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 01:34 AM
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6. That was an excellent review! Thanks so much for that thorough
and fair critique. I imagine my response will be similar. Appreciate you not getting too explicit for those of us who haven't yet seen it.

Were Austin theatres pretty much sold out?
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