I'm about to take a dump on the desk of a fellow employee; with everything going on in the Iraq and the world's opinion of us, all this asswipe can do is prattle on about taxes.
He says that the amount of money Kerry's spending proposals would cost greatly outnumbers the revenues he'd get by increasing the taxes of people earning 200K+, so there's no way he can give the middle class a tax cut. Then he adds the Hannity crap about Clinton in 1992, "Clinton lied back then and Kerry's lying now, blah, blah."
Personally, I think this is pretty low on the current list of priorities, and I don't have the time to look all this stuff up (proposals, costs, projected revenues from raising taxes on the rich, etc), but if anyone here has been in my situation and has any info or links that I can use to shove it up this guy's ass, you'll make my Christmas list.
You can't imagine how badly I want to shut this guy's blowhole. If you've got anything, PLEASE post it here. I'm desperate.
TIA for any responses.