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Count Wolfowitz Discusses Iraq Transition on "Ask the White House"

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Bush_Eats_Beef Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 06:02 PM
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Count Wolfowitz Discusses Iraq Transition on "Ask the White House"
...Apparently the difference between Al Franken asking Wolfowitz about the war on terra at a Fox News dinner and average Americans asking Wolfowitz about the war on terra on the white house web site is that Wolfowitz only replies "fuck you" to Franken. As we know, Wolfowitz casts no reflection in a mirror and must return to his coffin by sundown, so let's sample a few of his more heartfelt, inspirational responses:

"Saddam Hussein led one of the most vicious regimes in the world. He not only invaded his neighbors, but he oppressed his own people with incredible brutality. Moreover, he sponsored and promoted a number of the most vicious terrorist groups in the world, including al Qaida.

But Saddam’s old gang and their terrorist allies won’t go down without a fight. That is why there is so much violence in Iraq today. That is also why we say that Iraq is presently the central battle in the war on terrorism. The terrorists understand that their defeat in Iraq will be a major victory for us.

As the President has said repeatedly, the safety of the American people depends on U.S. leadership in the global war against terrorists, their organizations, and the states like Afghanistan and Iraq that support them. In Iraq, the vast majority of the people support our presence and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. They are not interested in having their country occupied, but they also know that our presence there is essential if that country is not to slip back into the control of the brutal minority who controlled it for more than 30 years. As an Iraqi said to me during my recent trip, “In my heart, I would like you to leave now. But in my head, I know we need you to stay.”

In a few days, the new Iraqi government will take over. For the first time in a generation, peace-loving Iraqis will have the opportunity to govern their own country and to get on with their lives. We will only stay as long as we are wanted and needed. But we will leave behind a government that does not represent a threat to the U.S. or any other country."
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malatesta1137 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 06:26 PM
Response to Original message
1. you mean
'he must return to his coffin by sunRISE'.

His casket is located right next to Cheney's and Ashcroft's in the underground bunker at the White House.
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Disturbed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 06:33 PM
Response to Reply #1
2.  Right Wing Fascism!
Full Sovereignty?

"Throughout the spring, as hundreds died in the spiraling conflict, as Regime bosses applied their hardcore "anti-terrorist" tortures to innocent bystanders raked up in their occupation nets, as Regime mouthpieces prated endlessly of "liberation" and "sovereignty," Bush viceroy Paul Bremer was quietly signing a series of edicts that will give the United States effective control over the military, ministries -- and money -- of any Iraqi government, for years to come, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Bremer has placed U.S.-appointed "commissions" made up of Americans and local puppets throughout Iraqi government agencies; the ministers supposedly in charge weren't even told of the edicts. These boards "will serve multiyear terms and have significant authority to run criminal investigations, award contracts, direct troops and subpoena citizens," the Journal reports. Any new Iraqi government "will have little control over its armed forces, lack the ability to make or change laws and be unable to make major decisions within specific ministries without tacit U.S. approval, say U.S. officials.

Earlier Bremer edicts laid the Iraqi economy wide open to ruthless exploitation by Bush-approved foreign "investors"; dominance of such key sectors as banking, communications -- and energy -- is already well advanced. The latest dictates aim to ensure that this organized looting goes on, no matter what kind of makeshift "interim government" the United Nations manage to piece together. Bush's plans to build a Saddamite fortress embassy in Baghdad and 14 permanent military bases around the country are designed to provide the knee-breaking "security" for these lucrative arrangements."

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