Calling mopaul, calling mopaul! Or anyone else who's inclined to make this Fahrenheit 9/11 review (New Times- Broward-Palm Beach June 24-30) title into a visual.
George of the Bungle Michael Moore goes Bushwhacking in Fahrenheit 9/11
By Bregory Weinkauf
A strong toxin requires a strong antidote. In the case of the Bush administration, the cure is being served in significant part by Michael Moore, hie of the Peter Jackson diet, who previously delivered the rousing documentaries Roger & Me and Bowling for Columbine. This time, however, the expose feels even more personal, as Moore reveals footage of George W. Bush publicly jeering him. "Behave yourself, willya?" Dubya barks. "Get some real work!" Thus begins Fahrenheit 9/11 , which feels like a grudge match between playground adversaries, with the Likable Dork finally standing up to the Repugnant Weasel. Except now, they're using the whole world to duke it out.
Now that I think about it- Repugnant Weasel is a great * nickname as well. :-)