evening news. Coburn Optical Equipment (was bought by Gerber a few years ago after I left) in Muskogee, OK. It was started by O.W. Coburn, father of former congressman Tom who I know personally VERY well...I ferried him all around the country for years since he was in high school. He originally ran mostly on a promise to serve no more than 3 terms, but now he's campaigning for the SENATE and the ads brag on him "keeping his promise"...it's true he didn't see re-election after his 3rd term but it seems a little smarmy to make a distinction between 'congress' and the senate. But he's a WAY out rightwingnut prick so it doesn't surprise me. Funny thing, his old man was the most evil lecherous asshole I ever knew and I obviously knew him well...corporate pilots are privy to pretty much everything the big cheeses do, we're not just airplane drivers, most are expected to almost be valets as well. He stayed pissed at me much of the time because I wouldn't go out and find whores for him when we were away but his brother (Tom's uncle - now dead as is O.W. liked me and they both knew I was a good pilot so I only got fired and re-hired about 3 times) :D Anyway, I guess Gerber-Coburn decided to outsource the stuff they manufactured in Muskogee...the town (about 25,000) has lost nearly a thousand jobs in the last year or so. There might be link at one of the local TV websites, I'll check after I write this www.kotv.com www.ktul.com www.kjrh.com