What could cause all of the electricity to reverse. Something, or someone had to have made it reverse like it did. The electricity would not naturaly do it on it's own, so something had to have made itact that way. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy nut on this, but look at who was NOT in the effected area's? No Bush administration person was anywhere near it. And further more, any national emergency we have had; just happens to help out a Bush administration policy. Or that the odd's that every national emergency fall's into one administrations radical plans to change the system, must be very, very high. Think about how everything worked out to be a positive for the Bush administration. I'm not saying they planed the situations, but they were lucky to have a plan on how to respond to such problems. And all but the ForestFire's (logging industry), they have all been tied to a energy source. Oh well that was just a observation.