I have a ton of German friends in the Seattle area, and one of my friends was having a friend over from Munich for 6 weeks (whom I'd met before). These are some of the most a-political people I know, and here is her story:
Applied for 90 day tourist visa...rejected. No reason given.
Decided to travel on standard 6 week tourist visa. Booked flights, made arrangments for accomodation, then a few weeks later, packed her bags and headed to the airport. Flight to Seattle went just fine. She didn't cause any trouble on the airplane...
Now the trouble started: Detained in customs. Luggage confiscated. Strip searched. Not told why, or what charges are. Given clothes back, but then detained for 36 hours in a small cell with no toilet or sink, and only a hard bench for a bed. They didn't give her a blanket, or let her get a sweater even though the room was air conditioned to 60 degrees. No toothbrush, only one meal. Not allowed to make even one phone call. Never told what charges are.
Skip to my friend, waiting to pick up my acquaintance at the airport...She and her 4 children (2, 5, 7, 9) watch everyone come through customs, but not her friend. They wait for 4 hours before a customs agent feels sorry enough for them to tell them that "several people have been detained...you should go home". That's all they're told, then their friend is shipped back to Germany where she's finally able to tell people what happened. No arrest, no charges...
Moral of this story: You don't have to be muslim, or even from a middle-eastern or dark skinned country. You could be a blonde college student from Munich visiting a friend.
The implications of this to me are really scary: If a non activist, non muslim, is subjected to this...does this mean that if I travel abroad this could happen to me? I'm an american, but fairly active in anti-bush, anti war stuff. If they detained me, would they send me back to the country where my flight originated, or would they dissapear me? This is a good story to tell if you know any conservatives who says "if you're not muslim, if you don't come from a terrorist country, you don't have anything to worry about from the Patriot Act".
I know lots of other people probably have scarier stories, but this one helps me to remember what the stakes are when I work for "Anybody but Bush 2004".