Sure enough a surface target could be the outwardly racists and bigots. But before we puff ourselves up with our feelings of how right and moral we in the choir feel about ourselves, lets look at some of the "deeper" targets.
Did anyone notice the race of Lila's husband? You remember they were sitting on the couch together as she was weeping for their lost son.
Then there is the beginning scenes of the lame senate where not even one senator would sign on to rule on the election validity when the voter disenfranchisement of black voters in the 2000 election was pointed out. All this because Dashe and companies decided to sacrifice the black voters to keep their positions on the various committees. So much for ideals.
Now think about Reagan and why he was so popular. What elements within the American soul did he appeal?
Does the American intelligenza really care about the poor "white trash" living in some shit hole trailer park, or are more "higher" issues to be dealt with first. Am I the only one that remembers the hate directed at those that like NASCAR racing. The stereotyping.
Lets be honest now. This is a core question that gets right to the core of the American "experiment". Is it possible to establish a country based on egalitarian principles, when humans by their basic nature hate those that are different?
The hate is real and if we are human, we have it, as well as the love.
Would you personally give your blessing as a parent to a son or daughter that fell in love with somebody of another race and within your heart welcome that "other" into your family? Be honest now. I am not asking about what you would say, but what you would feel in the darkest corners of your heart.
The "elites" are experts at keeping people divided. Using human nature to divide those that you wish to subjugate is as old as the hills. You might say, you can define people by what they hate as well as what they love.
That's what I saw in the movie. Moore exposed the hate that exists in all people and how the "elites" use this hate against us.