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Noticed several Repub comments that they refuse to $upport F911...

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coda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 06:03 AM
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Noticed several Repub comments that they refuse to $upport F911...
Edited on Sat Jun-26-04 06:44 AM by coda
(For the record, these aren't comments I've heard, but have read here and at other sites.)

Noticed several Repub comments that they refuse to $upport F911 because they don't want their money going to MM, but freely admit their intention to steal from him by buying a ticket to another movie and then sneaking into F911.

No biggie, I guees it's just interesting to observe the disconnect as they "honestly" admit it, as though their disgust for MM excused their act of theft, not just from him, but the many others who own %'s as well as those who released it.

What an irony that those whose party has cut funding to the NEA and its programs or tried to eliminate completely, public support for the arts while saying "Let the arts support themselves, let the market decide!", and here they are stealing from that very artist who is market oriented, i.e. sans goverment funding.

I guess in a way it's a good thing, because we want them to see it, but I'm just wondering....if this was common place at some shows that are sold out, isn't there going to be a lack of seats? IOW, somebody is going to be POed after standing for hours in line and there's no seats, right?

Below is a story of a screening in DC, where a "fervent Republican" admits to stealing from Michael Moore, so as " confirm that the incendiary movie was nothing but a string of lies." :-) Gawd, but the self-righteous hypocrites are hilarious when pointing out other peoples "lies".


U.S. National - AFP

Movie theaters fill in Washington to see Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11"

1 hour, 37 minutes ago Add U.S. National - AFP to My Yahoo!

WASHINGTON, (AFP) - Crowds in the US capital have flocked to the opening of Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9/11," some to get fired up about ousting President George W. Bush in the November 2 election, others to see what the controversy is all about.

Nurse Alexandra Moss, 31, made a point of seeing the vehemently anti-Bush documentary as a contribution to help defeat the Republican president in November. She even brought her mother to see the film. "I want to see Bush out of office," she said.

Lynda Bond, 47, a fervent Republican whose husband is an elected official, came mainly to confirm that the incendiary movie was nothing but a string of lies.

"I wanted to see it to understand what everyone was talking about," Bond said. "It is extremely misleading. I bought a ticket for another movie and then came to see this one. I wouldn't give Michael Moore my money."

LOL, it isn't about you "giving" Moore anything. It's HIS (as well as others) movie and you are a self-admitted thief.

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swag Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 06:07 AM
Response to Original message
1. I'm glad they're going to see it
I'm sure much literature will go to "debunking" the film, but I'm also sure that truth will win with a number of viewers.

Freepers are people, after all.

I love the Freepers in my life. And fortunately, they all live in Montana.
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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 06:08 AM
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2. It ain't stealing is it's a liberal, just like it ain't killing if it's a

Still, better have them watch it that way than not watch it at all.
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iamjoy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 06:16 AM
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3. Another Perspective
But do you think Michael Moore really cares about the money or people seeing his movie?

Oh, it is stealing all the same and I'm sure Michael Moore wants the money, but he wants the movie seen also.

Annoying that they aren't even trying to keep an open mind about it. If they just want to confirm it is a "string of lies" without supporting Moore they could just wait until comes to HBO or something. I sometimes read books written by Conservative authors, but I check them out of the library so as not to directly support the Ann Coulters and Bill O'Reillys.

And as for people buying a ticket & then there are no seats 'cos some Conservatives sneaked in, well if that happened to me I'd be sure to get an usher. Everyone would have to produce their stubs and then hopefully the thief would be busted.

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coda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 06:27 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. I don't disagree with that joy
if fact I don't doubt that MM would hope a lot of this type would see the movie, by hook or by crook. It's going t o make gobs of money anyway.

I believe that's his point, they are just as or even a more important target than the left. I think that many of them will see it before Nov.
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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 06:53 AM
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5. As long as they see the movie, and don't block a seat of anyone else who
wants to see it.
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camby Donating Member (411 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 06:56 AM
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6. The more who see it the better
There may be some who actually stop to think, even if they have been prepped to believe it's a pack of lies. The shots of Bush are NOT lies. Those are the scariest things of all. The way he obviously does not take his job seriously. The way he cavalierly led our soldiers to kill and die, even to the point of making faces in front of the cameras while getting ready for the big speech. Scenes like that aren't MM - they're pure Bush. Disgusting.
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Mnemosyne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 09:01 AM
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7. I believe that Michael couldn't care less about making any
money on this film. He donates much of what he makes anyway.

He said he would make sure people saw it if he had to drive from state to state in his car to show it, when he thought he had no distributer.

He is what we needed for so long here:

A true American Hero and Patriot!!!!
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