I was cruising the Internet as I do every day when I came across this
article today. Anyways, the article itself is pretty stupid, 78% of Southern Baptists Ministers think Church/State separation is going too far. (Duh!) Anyways, it was the comments that I find stupid, most I agree with but look at this, the first one seen below the article:
I agree that the separation of church & state HAS gone too far. It's almost like religion is on the brink of becoming illegal. Like you'll get in trouble if you say certain words like "Jesus" or "church" in public. I'm not even Christian & I think it's ridiculous the way that religion has become so taboo that the ACLU sues over any public display of crosses or whatever. It's just dumb. Everyone always talks about "1984" & "Big Brother", and yes- it is happening now. And the PC thugs & religion-haters are Big Brother.This is from a supposed Non-Christian, who said some of the dumbest things I have ever seen on the Internet from a non-freeper. It's either ignorance or stupidity, but in no way is Religious Freedom in jeopardy from the ACLU, just favoritism by the government. Hell I'm still trying to see how the hell this can be equated to the overblown "Conspiracy" of Political Correctness. I mean, look at who complains the loudest about PC and its just a bunch of people who wish they could still say n*gger in "so called" polite company.
I don't even get the whole thing about "religion being taboo", there is a distinct difference between putting a 500 foot cross on the White House lawn for Christmas and putting one on PRIVATE PROPERTY. Hell you burn a cross on your own property and I don't give a fuck, as long as it isn't a danger to neighbors. It isn't illegal either, unless fire codes apply, so why the hell should I care? What I do care about is if you try to place such things on property that belongs to us all or to your neighbors', public property and property you don't own. Its pretty simple really, if you want to open that door, allow all symbols for all religions, or allow none. I simply don't get all this bitching and moaning about PC being anti freedom, it seems totally stupid to me.