June 26, 2004
Axis of Deceit
By Andrew Wilkie
The agent who broke ranks over Iraq tells a cautionary tale for young would-be spies. Reviewed by Tom Allard
"Andrew Wilkie, the intelligence analyst who caused the Government so much grief when he resigned on the eve of the Iraq War, was in many ways the most unlikely of whistleblowers.
From a conservative, rural family with a long and proud history of military service, Wilkie went to the Royal Military College at Duntroon as soon as he completed high school. As a high-spirited army cadet, he took great pleasure in a night-time raid to trash the permanent protest site of the anti-nuclear movement outside Old Parliament House
"First of all, Wilkie knew what the real reason for war was - a strategic play to insert a favourable government in the Middle East and create a new ally that would allow the US to rely less on Saudi Arabia for its oil and political support. Indeed, this view was regularly relayed to the Australian government as ONA also produced a "prolific" amount of assessments on the US and its motivations toward Iraq."