Fahrenheit 9/11 Burning Bush: Fahrenheit 9/11 is a timely exposé of Dubya's perfidy and the media's subservience
By Jeannette Catsoulis
Seated opposite a hostile Matt Lauer on a recent episode of NBC's "Dateline," a Buddha-like Michael Moore, hands clasped comfortably beneath his substantial belly, smiled genially at his infuriated host. "How can you say you didn't set out to make a political movie?" railed Lauer, clearly forgetting he was fronting a soft-core infotainment program. "Isn't this film a direct attack on George W. Bush?" "Well, if you put it that way," chuckled Moore, "yes, of course it is."
The kicker would come a few minutes later, as Moore pointedly remarked that it would be nice if Lauer and his fellow "journalists" would subject Bush himself to such incisive questioning. A utopian idea, perhaps--at least by today's groveling media standards--and one raised coincidentally just a few weeks earlier by Jon Stewart on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show." After screening a clip of a London Times reporter ferociously grilling Prime Minister Tony Blair on his fudging of intelligence reports, Stewart turned to the camera with his trademark look of baffled innocence. "Where do we get one of those?" he inquired.
Where, indeed, is the question that informs every frame of Fahrenheit 9/11, an appalling and timely exposé of the connections, machinations, and financial dealings of the Bush administration. But as shocking as these are, the movie's most devastating indictment is reserved implicitly for our mainstream news media, whose indolence, subservience and cowardice appear immeasurable. (emphasis mine /jc) As one horrifying image follows another, and each revelation is superseded by one even more disturbing, the deficiencies of the fourth estate cannot be ignored. Why is it left to Moore to present us with an uncensored copy of Bush's military records, and disclose coherently the highly suspect actions of Dubya's relatives in the 2000 election debacle? And how does Moore manage to embed his own camera crews in Iraq--obtaining footage of civilian casualties and abuse of Iraqi prisoners well before Abu Ghraib--while our networks feed us the pre-digested pablum prepared by the White House?