in response to a reporter's question "Were you tested?". I remember seeing this and it bothered me at the time. Why not just answer the question?
How would he know he didn't have the 'thrax unless he was tested? Why did he not just say so? Or was it because he wasn't tested and didn't want to get caught in a lie?
Or maybe there was no threat to the WH after all? In light of what we know now, that Bush will LIE about everything, is it possible they lied about this "attack" to scare us and get support for all followed?
In other words, was this just another diversion? I Do Not Have Anthrax
Washington Post
Wednesday October 24, 2001
An hour after White House press secretary Ari Fleischer had announced the discovery at the remote mail facility, Bush held a photo session with lawmakers, and reporters asked whether he had been tested for anthrax.
"First of all, I don't have anthrax," Bush said. "We're having to adjust our thinking. We're a kind nation, we're a compassionate nation, we're a nation of strong values and we value life. And we're learning people in this world want to terrorize our country by trying to take life."
Bush said officials are making sure that the West Wing and the White House are safe. "Let me put it this way, I'm confident when I come to work tomorrow that I'll be safe," he said.
Asked again if he has been tested, Bush said, "I don't have anthrax." Asked a third time, he said, "I don't have it. I'm going to work in the morning, too."