The ABA is hosting a panel discussion of Solicitors General, a couple of ours (Walter DELLINGER, Drew DAYS), and then OLSON and STARR. OLSON claims that he and Shrub had an interesting "back and forth" on the Michigan Affirmative Action case. Yeah, right. He said that Shrub had taken an interest in stuff since way back when he was governor. Why does Ken STARR perform a Gay stereotype in talking?----such an insufferable PRIG, saying (repeating the word 3 times with pompous portentousness) that such and such has to be performed FAITH-FUL-LYYYYY. Oh, now OLSON is saying that the justice who swore him in (who was it?) told him, "Don't lose your credibility with this court."-----like, somebody who committed perjury at his confirmation hearings HAS any credibility. (Maybe I'm wrong, is perjury only for court or under any oath?) Anyway, he LIED.