I posted this a few min back and I'm going to repost once, won't do it again, just want to get my point across though...
It's all a temper tantrum... Here's what I wrote, it's riddled with sarcasm:
I'm new to the board, and kind of new to the whole issue. My hubby is the one who opened up my eyes, and this movie are going to keep them open. I have one point to bring up about this whole movie. It was like more of an Epiphany. Republicans are shouting to the high heavens, that this movie is "a pack of lies" and this movie "is not fair." If you really think about what they're saying, cause one thing usually means another in their world, they're absolutely right. (Hear me out! LOL)
It is a pack of THEIR lies put together in a nice, neat little package for everyone to see and they're absolutely embarrassed, and it's not fair to them that WE CAUGHT EM! I guess if I lied like that and people called me on it I'd lash out like a scared little animal in the beginning too crying about how unfair it was -- but of course I am not responsible for the deaths of thousands upon thousands of people! Of course, everyone here knows this. I think it's funny that they're saying this. They're right. They lied, and someone put all the PRE-RECORDED clips of them saying one thing, followed by another PRE-RECORDED clip of them saying the opposite. Why are they blaming Michael Moore?
In the WONDERFULLY CHILDISH words of the lady at the White House that said "Blame Al-Quida" to the woman who was weeping in the court yard about her son's death (how EVIL btw) -- note ONLY after she was torn down by that mother's remarks of the day and place where her child died, because she was on some type of "scam police mission;" I say blame CNN, Fox (or Faux) News and all the other news stations that aired you saying your lies for Mr.Moore to put together in the first place! Blame the secretaries that typed up the documents and used the marker to suspiciously black out certain sections of the text. Blame the post office that sent Michael Moore the previous copy, and Oh, don't forget to Blame the mail clerk that put it in the envelope and addressed it to him!
Hrmmm...who else can you blame... God for free will and putting eyes and brains in certain people that can't be brainwashed? Cause it CERTAINLY cannot be yourselves, I mean, oh wait... blame the speech writers for writing those lies for you to speak about... Now after all that (unless I forgot some people) then MAYBE you can blame yourselves... RIGHT?
Now that we got most of the finger pointing out of the way, it's time for a spanking. Let's not let G.W. get his pudding next year? He won't know how to eat it, since "most of our imports come from other countries."
Take Care, :)