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Most politically significant revelations in F911, for non DUer types

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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:08 PM
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Most politically significant revelations in F911, for non DUer types
That is, for people who are not political and news junkies.

I thought it was the discussion of the business/political links between the Bush and Bin Laden families and the great Bin Laden airlift. I think most of us here knew about all that but it is very damaging to Bush and probably explains a lot of the attempts to suppress any 9/11 inquiry. (BTW I am not a subscriper to MIHOP or LIHOP theories, I think it can be adequately explained by indolence/incompetence and bad luck, but that is a subject of a thousand other threads.) This is the kind of thing that casual news followers are least likely to know.

Of course on a visceral level all the footage of the consequences of war have the most significance, which is everything from the mangled civilians and grieving moms (both countries), mangled soldiers, and midnight raids.

I think it's just as well that MM didn't go into extreme depth on any one topic--each one (FLA 2000, black voter disenfranchisement, Bin Laden airlift, etc.) would merit a several hour miniseries in and of itself. Basically the film paints the big picture of the corruption and sleaziness of the Bushes, and the disaster we've been lied into in Iraq.

I did like the little old community center ladies. I thought America was supposed to have common sense like these ladies.
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trumad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:10 PM
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1. Saudi connections
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clydefrand Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:16 PM
Response to Reply #1
5. It's the connections
that make me most fearful for this great country.
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TexasSissy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:12 PM
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2. The elderly man who was turned in by his friends, and questioned
by the FBI because of anti-Bush statements he'd made.

That is not the America any of us have known (before now, apparently).
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jobycom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:13 PM
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3. Loss of freedoms under the Patriot Act
The image of that peace group being infiltrated has made me wonder about several organizations I attend.
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clydefrand Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:14 PM
Response to Original message
4. There are still a few
of us old ladies around like that one.
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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:16 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. If we (America) were more like you, we wouldn't be in this mess.
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cjbuchanan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:18 PM
Response to Original message
7. I would go with the Saudi connections
The image of Bush holding hands with said Saudi and the events in front of the Watergate, just hammer it home. Add to it the amount of money they have invested in America and I think people will wake up.

I wonder if there will be a backlash against the Saudis like there was against Japan in the late 80's (at the time, there was a lot of talk about how much Japan owns in America).

Let's just hope that any backlash is at the proper people and not just folks who look like the proper people.
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Trillo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:49 PM
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8. In case anyone needs a news link,
I agree the flight of the Saudi's is a critical event. I just had to look up a link to the news article for a Bushie I'm arguing with in email.
TAMPA - Two days after the Sept. 11 attacks, with most of the nation's air traffic still grounded, a small jet landed at Tampa International Airport, picked up three young Saudi men and left.
The men, one of them thought to be a member of the Saudi royal family, were accompanied by a former FBI agent and a former Tampa police officer on the flight to Lexington, Ky.

The Saudis then took another flight out of the country. The two ex-officers returned to TIA a few hours later on the same plane.

For nearly three years, White House, aviation and law enforcement officials have insisted the flight never took place and have denied published reports and widespread Internet speculation about its purpose.
<snip> more at above link

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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:54 PM
Response to Original message
9. While all the above is true, I think the Bush vacations is the
real shocker to middle America. So many of us are putting in more hours for less $$ and the President is lazing around letting all this chit happen.

just a thought....
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