Saturday, June 26, 2004
The out of fashion Christ.
The clarion call of the so-called left was sounded and I responded. It was mandated that we all show up at opening of Michael Moore’s new flick, “Fahrenheit 9/11”. Hey, the right wing Christian zombies did it with the “Passion of the Christ”. Why can’t we do the same tactics as them? After all, the right- wing steals more ideas from the left than the other way around. Yeah baby, some more that elitist moral relativism that I possess. Can you believe the Republicans? They did every thing in their power to stop this movie. All the poisonous rhetoric the right wing media spewed out of their pie holes affected no one. Not one red blooded- American was deter seeing this movie. Yeah, they said shit like: You know Michael Moore never really lived in Flint Michigan or he only worked in the auto industry for one day! And my favorite: He came from a well to do family. It’s funny how the GOP accuses everybody what the Republicans are guilty of: elitism? I guess rich WASP playing golf symbolizes the oppress proletariat struggling against those wealthy Jews in Hollywood. This is not class struggle! This is ASS struggle. And the right are the asses we want to screw. You are slipping you right wing propagandists! Can you imagine if Joseph McCarthy accused some one of being a, “running dog of imperialism”. Aren’t you taking this role reversal too far? Elitism my ass! On the GOP web site they have a video of Michael Moore morphing into Hitler. When Nazi accuse others of being like them, that’s it! Game over. They use get sadistic joy in saying Bush is driving the left nuts. Now the proverbial tables are turned, now this movie driving the right off the cliff.
The movie is not your standard Michael Moore fare. It’s quite grim. However, Michael takes you through the ugly facts with his brand of humor. Go see this flick right now, after reading this. Well, what you waiting for? Go now!
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