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Yet ANOTHER F/911 Post - This Time from Tulsa

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TlalocW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 08:04 PM
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Yet ANOTHER F/911 Post - This Time from Tulsa
Got back an hour or so ago from seeing F/911 at the newest theater in town. It was the 4-o'clock showing. I was there waaaay early because I went to an appointment at a nearby library and then to the theater to buy a ticket for the next showing and didn't feel like driving home then back so I ate a hot dog and played a video game or two to pass the time.

I didn't think we were going to even come close to filling up, but we had a good 80% (at least) capacity in the theater, which is good for that time slot - I've been to the "mega-blockbusters" (or supposed ones) at the same time like Spider-Man, Hulk (stinkburger), LOTR, and they had about the same amount of people.

All age ranges - some parents even brought their pre-teen kids in, which normally I don't like when it's an R rated movie - partly because they tend to ruin my movie-going experience, but this time I didn't mind because it's educational, and the rating for this film is unfair. Unfortunately, behind me sat some guy and his girlfriend who had to keep making stupid comments through the movie - not even about agreeing/disagreeing with the subject matter but just to talk, and the guy had just an incredible hick accent - I'm not putting down southerners because I like a good southern accent - I'm talking straight out of "Deliverance - Boy, you look jest lahk ah hawg." Normally I have no problem saying something to people who won't shut the hell up since I'm bigger than 90% of the people I say that too, but I didn't want to cause a shouting match during this movie so I lumped it.

When they started showing all the interviews with soldiers criticizing Bush, they got up and left (yay!) commenting along the way that it was bullshit or something. Oh, well, give them points for attending at least partway through a film that they disagreed with I guess.

Laughter at all the parts discussed earlier. Lots of tears and choking up for the poor woman who lost her son in Iraq, and applause at the end that quickly died when the dedication came up before the credits ran. Almost nothing I didn't already know, but it was good to see it put all together, and I'm glad that a lot of this info got out - especially Bush sitting on his ass for at least 7 minutes after the second tower was attacked. I wish that that piece of footage could just be played over and over again on network television.

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clydefrand Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 08:09 PM
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1. Footage of Bush in the school room
made my blood boil since I'm a retired teacher. I would have kicked his dumb ass out of my room---but then he would never have stepped foot in my room. RE: Lila and her son--I heard one of the right wingers who said that her son died in Afghanistan. Did anyone else hear that or am I just getting many senior moments? Be kind... ;-)
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Misunderestimator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 08:20 PM
Response to Reply #1
5. And the close-ups of Bush's dead little rat eyes...
About the son ... Are you talking about the scene where there was a woman from another country who was sitting on the sidewalk and talking to the woman who lost her son, and the RWer woman who came up and said it was all staged? And then asked her WHERE her son died, as if he hadn't died in Iraq?

Yeah that woman is right up next to Lyndie England with this kind of exposure.
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swag Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 08:09 PM
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2. great report, Tulsa
Many Thanks!
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Prodemsouth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 08:15 PM
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3. Did you see Bartcop? Was he there?
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TlalocW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 08:23 PM
Response to Reply #3
7. Bartcop was probably first in line
Last night. :) You know, I've read Bartcop for so long and even have a couple comments on his pages, and we've traded some emails, but I've never met him. What's funny is that I have a friend in Seattle who used to live here, and she knows him (or at least thinks she does - he sounds like a casual friend of hers, but she knew him before Bartcop started).

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diamond14 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 08:45 PM
Response to Reply #3
9. had the pleasure of meeting Bartcop here in DC for the JulieFest

Bartcop and his beautiful wife could walk right by you and you would never notice....they are the most average middle-aged regular overweight couple in the whole wide world, quietly sat through the entire JulieFest, taking tickets and working in the background, Bartcop and Mrs. Bartcop, silent, quiet, average, Patriots....they fit right in anywhere in America...

despite Bartcop's incredible website and super radio-show....he is really just an average middle aged reality, he is everyman, every average American...every Patriot real regular American with Family values...

you'd think from his web page that he would STAND OUT above everyone else, but perhaps he's a bit like Clark Kent...disguised as an Average American, everyman....right in the middle of everyone else....

and you are absolutely right...that was BartCop...that average middle-aged guy at the very front of the line for the Michael Moore Fahrenheit 911 movie, holding hands with his average middle-aged wife, smiling away on that tequila....

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mike1963 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 08:15 PM
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4. Which theater? I'm on Ft. Gibson lake & haven't been to a movie in 20
years (but I was raised in TUL so know my way around)...
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TlalocW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 08:27 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. It's the Cinemark Tulsa
It's at 10802 E. 71st Street which is at the 71st exit of 169th, to the east of Woodland Hills Mall. Just in the time that I've lived here (since 1998), that area has built up quite a bit. A Super-Target, a nice strip mall, plenty of family-friendly restaurants like Fuddruckers (which I'll be twisting balloons at over the 4th of July weekend so Tulsa-ites come out and see "The Amazing Christopher"), Krispy Kreme, etc.

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TlalocW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 08:21 PM
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6. Forgot a couple of things
I walked out ahead of a trio of teens (possibly early 20-somethings). I slowed down because they were discussing the movie, and I wanted to hear what they had to say about it. One guy was complaining about how Moore was editing some of the comments to make things look worse than what they are, and the other two weren't letting him get away with it, saying that there weren't too many ways to take those comments out of context. The complainer eventually backed down and agreed with his two friends. (I was thinking, "Taken out of context? That one soldier probably said, 'If Donald Rumsfeld were here, I'd ask him to resign... himself to eating some bad food because tonight's meatloaf night!'")

The funniest part for me was Moore asking congress critters to enlist their kids in the military to fight over in Iraq. I think the first one knew he was in a no-win situation but didn't want to run away and so suffered through it the best he could. The other one that actually stopped for him just gave Moore an incredible look of surprise at his request - it couldn't have been better if it were scripted. Anyone know which critter that was?

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