It is just absolutely amazing what we are doing to our future, and to the future of our children, in this country. Not only are we wasting energy that will soon become scarce, we have completely buried our heads in the sand when it comes to looking for alternative energy sources. Stupid, stupid, because sooner than later, we are sure as hell going to need them. And, the rest of the world seems to have a better picture of this than we do. THEY are making plans. And WE are not, for this eventuality.
Because of this single fact, alone, we might be dooming ourselves to becoming a third world country, but what is worse is that, when we do become a country on the threshold of a third world, we will have, hehind us, a history of having been one of the most ruthless countries in the world.......
After all, we attacked one of the most helpless countries in the world, because we wanted something from it. We lied, made excuses--all of which are obvious to the rest of the world (and most of us here), even if they are not obvious to our current psychotic rulers.
When we become financially devastated as a country, like Iraq was, when we invaded it (after twelve years of sanctions), WHO will step forward to conquer us? Because someone will. After all, can we really expect the rest of the world to be kind, after what we have done?